The French wanted more babies during the second confinement than during the first.

Decreed on October 29 at midnight, it ended on December 15.

Nine months later, the time has come to take stock and it is therefore positive.

INSEE said on Thursday that the number of births in France increased by 3% in September compared to September 2020, after also increasing by + 3% in August.

This increase is all the more notable since each year, due to a downward trend in the birth rate, fewer children are generally born each month of a year compared to the same month of the previous year, notes the Institute of Statistics.

The first confinement led to a postponement of births

“Unlike the first confinement, there was therefore no drop in births nine months after the second confinement,” notes INSEE.

The first confinement (from mid-March to mid-May 2020) had an impact on births: -7% of newborns in December 2020 compared to December 2019, -13% in January 2021 compared to January 2020, recalls INSEE.

In the first nine months of 2021 (January-September), 2,000 babies were born on average each day, and, according to still provisional data, 2,170 babies were born on average each day in September.

“In total, over the period from the beginning of January to the end of September, births in 2021 are 1% lower than those occurring in 2020 during the same period.

It is ultimately a smaller drop than between January-September 2019 and January-September 2020, ”notes INSEE.

"It would therefore seem that the first confinement led to a postponement of births to March-April 2021, but also to the summer of 2021", notes the institute.


Babies: Births start to rise again in July, after plunging during winter


Coronavirus in Occitania: The first deconfinement caused a baby boom

  • Covid 19

  • epidemic

  • Family

  • Babe

  • Confinement

  • Coronavirus

  • Birth

  • Childbirth

  • Birth rate

  • Birth

  • Society