Two signs in the ear that indicate a vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is an essential component of a number of biological processes in the body, and low levels of it put people at risk of health complications, and early detection is key to staving off unwanted diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency, and two signs in the ears may indicate that you need to increase vitamin D either by Through food or supplements, after consulting a doctor and checking your vitamin level.

According to a report published by the newspaper "Express", vitamin D deficiency may lead to hearing problems and tinnitus, and a research paper published in the journal Plos One indicates that a large proportion of tinnitus patients suffer from vitamin D deficiency, and that the level of vitamin D is associated with the effect of tinnitus. The research paper recommended conducting a vitamin D test for all patients with tinnitus.

Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with hearing, as it affects the bones of the ear, and this condition known as osteoporosis, can lead to hearing loss and deafness in some cases.

Interestingly, studies have found that correcting a vitamin D deficiency can treat hearing problems in some cases, and currently as many as 1 billion people are believed to be deficient in vitamin D worldwide.

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