Her name was Dinah, she was 14 years old.

She hanged herself after being bullied at school for several years.

Her brother, Rayan Gonthier, testifies to the sufferings she suffered: “There were many people from the college who made remarks to her, day after day, who jostled her, who knocked over her bag.

I don't even dare to imagine what she went through.

She locked herself in the toilets of the college, in the canteen or during recess and she no longer dared to go out, she called my mother in tears.


Her ordeal begins in fourth grade: her family discovers that Dinah is being insulted in discussion groups of which she herself is a member.

But this harassment is not limited to social networks: in college, she suffers constant remarks and bullying, by people who pretend to be her friends.

When she talks about her homosexuality, the harassment escalates.

When you get to high school, this situation seems to end.

But when she crosses paths with three stalkers again, her memories come back, prompting her to end her life.

For Rayan, her world is falling apart: “Everything I do in my life, everything I accomplish, will be for her.

I will live for two now.

»Discover the moving testimony of Dinah's brother in the video of our partner Brut.

  • Society

  • Video

  • Child

  • Raw

  • Suicide attempt

  • High school

  • Middle School

  • Testimony

  • Bullying

  • Adolescence

  • Teenager

  • Suicide