“I consider this decision to be absolutely politicized and to some extent corrupt.

In this situation, momentary political interests have won the European independent jurisprudence, ”the political scientist said.

He believes that there were no objective prerequisites for such a decision. 

“Without a doubt, this was done in order to stab Russia more painfully, because the artifacts found belong to Crimean museums, and not to the leadership of“ post-Maidan ”Ukraine.

I think that today the system, which was called the European judicial justice, has simply collapsed, "Balbek emphasized.

The Amsterdam Court of Appeal, after several years of proceedings, ruled to transfer the Scythian gold to the ownership of Ukraine.

The collection of Scythian gold was taken from Crimea for an exhibition at the Allard Pearson Museum in Amsterdam in 2014.

After the Crimea became part of Russia, both the museums of the peninsula and Ukraine declared their rights to gold.