• Farewell Jay Leno says goodbye to television

"People think that by leaving a program you are retiring, but I have never left."

It was 22 years that Jay Leno capitalized on the American night with

The Tonight Show

until in 2014, at the age of 62 and after a tense relationship with NBC, he left.

The "golden age" of the presenter who in his last program brought together 14 million people in front of television is over.

Or not.

Because his love of mechanics and his collection of 201 vintage cars have kept him on camera with

Jay Leno's Garage

, which every Saturday at 11pm.

Blaze emits.

"I've never sold anything and all of a sudden I realize I have a lot of cars and I need a bigger garage," Jay Leno details in an email interview.

And, finally, he had to buy it to maintain

a collection that has reached more than 50 million dollars


“It is true that some are valuable, but others are old cars that I bought for a few hundred dollars, I fix them and I enjoy it.

When you fix something that's broken, you tend to have a link to that item and you feel like you're not a useless jerk. "

There will be those who think that having 200 cars has something of the eccentricity of a star.


It's cheaper and better than girlfriends, drugs, and alcohol.

I have friends who don't like old cars, but they spend their money on it.

Are they eccentric?

No. When you work with your hands, you realize how easy it is to earn a living just by talking.

Many colleagues in show business are terribly spoiled to think that they are special just for being in that world.

But when you take out a car transmission and see someone made $ 80, you put things in perspective.

Jay Leno, during an interview with Barack ObamaAFP

To that and to drive his vehicles he dedicates his life today, at the age of 71, one of the icons of entertainment television worldwide in a world, especially in urban environments, increasingly willing to withdraw the private car from public space due to contamination problems.

"We have electric cars," Leno points out instantly as a solution to a problem with which he declares himself "quite optimistic" except for the climate change part.

We are on the right track.

When everything is completely electric,

fossil fuels will gradually disappear like tobacco did


Smoking used to be fashionable before and now, people find it disgusting. "

The evolution applied to mobility of the last 100 years: from the 60 tons of manure that horses deposited on the streets of New York every day at the beginning of the 20th century to the custom of burying motor oil from vehicles in the 1960s in a hole dug in the ground so that it would return to the ground. “That was what people used to do, but now everything seems to be heading towards a greener world.

The air and water are cleaner today than 25 years ago

and there are fish in the River Thames in London and the East River in New York. Real fish living in that water, possibly something like this has not happened in 100 years, "he says before addressing his previous phase as the star presenter of late night.

Have you never been tempted to go back? Don't you miss it? No, not really because it's a different time. Before we were proud not to take sides and we made fun of all political parties equally. Now, if you don't take sides, people get angry and yell at you. It is an intolerable situation. I was lucky to live in a golden age where you could just go and make fun of things without people scrutinizing every joke to see if it's sexist, racist, or just outraged. Do you think there is a culture of cancellation? Can fewer things be said today than years ago? Now there is a situation where everyone has a voice. In the old days, you said something and you got a letter from someone angry and that was it. Now, with the Internet, everyone has a voice and if 10 people oppose something and enter Twitter, it seems that there are thousands.It is only the democratization of discourse, it is the times in which we live. I come from the "never explain, never complain" school, and that's where I am.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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