Shanxi rural ancient buildings disappeared before the rainstorm

  Due to lack of manpower and financial resources, a large number of ancient rural buildings in Shanxi are in disrepair all the year round; experts call for strengthening daily management and maintenance and reasonable repairs

  In early October, various parts of Shanxi encountered rare torrential rains, and the damage to a large number of ancient buildings in the province caused widespread concern.

  Due to the relatively closed and special terrain, Shanxi has preserved the largest number of ancient buildings in China, and has always been known as the "Museum of Ancient Chinese Architecture".

Affected by rainfall and secondary disasters this time, a large number of ancient buildings in Shanxi province suffered varying degrees of damage, once again highlighting the historical dilemma of Shanxi's cultural relics protection work-there is a huge inventory of cultural relics, but the human and financial resources for cultural preservation are insufficient.

  And in the limited funds for cultural relics protection, the funds seldom take into account the grass-roots cultural relics protection units.

The person in charge of the Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau stated that the protection of most municipal and county-level cultural protection units and cultural relics and ancient buildings that have not yet been announced as cultural protection units in Shanxi Province is still the biggest problem and challenge facing the protection of cultural relics in Shanxi Province.

  Many experts and volunteers pointed out that due to insufficient management and maintenance, many ancient rural buildings in Shanxi had fallen into disrepair all the year round before the extreme rains arrived, and countless ancient buildings gradually collapsed and disappeared.

  Dangerous Situation of 1783 Cultural Relics in Shanxi

  As a major cultural relic province, Shanxi is the province with the largest number of existing ancient buildings in China.

  According to the data from the third national cultural relics census and the Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, there are currently more than 50,000 immovable cultural relics registered in Shanxi Province, including more than 28,000 ancient buildings.

Shanxi accounts for more than 80% of the ancient buildings from "Tang" to "Yuan" nationwide.

  From October 2 to 7, large-scale heavy rainfall occurred in Shanxi Province, with rainfall exceeding 200 mm in 18 counties.

Taiyuan, Yangquan, Linfen, Changzhi, Luliang, and Jinzhong have set a historical record of accumulated rainfall in early October.

Affected by rainfall and secondary disasters, a large number of ancient buildings in Shanxi province suffered varying degrees of damage.

  The Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau reported that as of October 11, affected by the recent heavy rain disaster, Shanxi cities reported that a total of 1,783 cultural relics in the province had different degrees of roof leaks, wall cracks and collapses, foundation collapse, surrounding slope protection, and wall collapse. ; 9 museums and memorials have a small area of ​​rain leaks and some components are damaged.

  Among the cultural relics in danger, there are 176 national key cultural relics protection units, 143 provincial cultural relics protection units, 661 city and county cultural relics protection units, and 803 immovable cultural relics that have not been approved and declared as cultural relics protection units.

  The cultural relics in Jincheng City, Jinzhong City, Yuncheng City, Yangquan City, Luliang City and Taiyuan City were seriously damaged, accounting for more than 90% of the damaged cultural relics in Shanxi Province.

  In Taiyuan, the provincial capital, the roofs of many Jinci buildings leaked, and the retaining wall at the southwest corner of the Fengsheng Temple’s main hall collapsed; parts of the Tianlongshan Grottoes leaked, and the landslide damaged part of the road surface in the scenic spot; Big danger.

  In Yuncheng, China’s prefecture-level city with the largest number of key cultural relics protection units in the country, the Yanchi forbidden wall, the East Gate of the Forbidden City, collapsed on a large scale, the top of the city platform was severely collapsed, and there were many cracks in the city wall; Rain, a large area of ​​rain leaks on the second floor of the Chunqiu Tower threatened the statue of "Reading Chunqiu at Night"; the safety of the statue was endangered by the leaking rain at Xinjiang Longxing Temple.

  The collapse of multiple walls in the ancient city of Pingyao, a world cultural heritage site, has also aroused widespread concern.

From October 3 to 5, heavy rainfall occurred in Pingyao County. Affected by this, part of the wall collapsed in the ancient city wall of Pingyao. A total of 51 wall passages were collapsed and slipped, of which 15 were collapsed by rammed soil on the inner wall. There are 36 places where the parapet of the wall and the top seawall are suspended, and the lower part of the rammed earth slides down.

  Cultural relics protection "polarization"

  Tang Dahua, a non-governmental ancient building conservation volunteer, has been following ancient buildings in Shanxi for a long time. He has visited ancient buildings in Shanxi many times before.

Recently, Tang Dahua went to Shanxi again to visit ancient buildings in the countryside after heavy rains.

  In 2014, when Tang Dahua visited Shanxi, he photographed a lively scene in front of the auxiliary hall of Yancunbao Ancient Buddhist Temple in Hongshan Town, Pingyao. Many villagers gathered in front of the auxiliary hall to carry out cultural and entertainment activities.

On October 13th, there was no one in front of the auxiliary hall of the ancient Buddhist hall. Facing the auxiliary hall of the ancient Buddhist hall with a severely collapsed side wall, Tang Dahua said with emotion, "The national security and provincial security have no worries, and it's the village temple's turn. "

  On October 15, the relevant staff of the Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau told the Beijing News that of the 89 cultural relics that were severely affected by the disaster in the province, only 9 were under the National Security and Provincial Security; the 750 cultural relics that were more severely affected were in the city. County level and unrated accounted for 84%.

  The Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau has also previously notified that in this rare rainstorm, the main dangers of the provincial national insurance and provincial insurance units are the small area of ​​roof leakage and the surrounding slope protection rock mass, foundation and other problems, while low-grade and unrated cultural relics There are relatively more dangers such as wall collapse and beam frame toppling.

  Tang Dahua said that the protection of ancient buildings in Shanxi can actually be divided into two categories, one is national and provincial protection units, the other is county and city protection units and cultural relics that are not included in the protection scope.

"The protection measures of the national and provincial cultural relics protection units in Shanxi have been greatly improved, but there is almost no routine maintenance of a large number of ancient rural buildings. The protection of these two types of cultural relics is very polarized."

  In an interview, Ren Yimin, director of the Research Institute of Ancient Architecture and Painted Sculptures Conservation of Shanxi Province, also said in an interview that prior to the flood, the cultural relics departments and governments at all levels had done some work for national and provincial protection units, and the dangers were basically eliminated.

However, the property rights of grassroots protection units, especially village-level cultural relics, are very vague. In terms of protection, some are financial investment, some are jointly invested by finance and users, and some owners are unwilling to pay or declare, so the repairs are not timely.

  The ancient architectural painter Lianda introduced that since the beginning of the census and rating of cultural relics after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the state has selected eight batches of “national security” units and will continue to evaluate them in the future.

Many former "provincial insurance" have gradually joined the ranks of "national insurance", and many "municipal insurance" have been promoted to "provincial insurance".

  "In other words, many ancient buildings that were originally of great value have not been granted the due level recognition for various reasons. Although there will be many opportunities to upgrade in the future, we can't wait for it to upgrade before we know it. Value." Lianda said.

  Rain has accelerated the collapse of some ancient rural buildings

  In 2015, when Lian Da visited Yanjiazhuang Village, Gujiao Town, Xinjiang County, Southern Shanxi, he painted a Kuixing Pavilion in the area or built in the Qing Dynasty.

  In Lianda's drawings, the Kuixing Pavilion was built on a tall platform base, and the bricks on the outside of the platform base have been cracked and peeled off, exposing the inner rammed earth structure.

In the recent rare torrential rains in Shanxi, the Kuixing Pavilion collapsed as a whole and turned into a pile of ruins.

  After learning of the collapse of the Kuixing Pavilion, Lian Da wrote with emotion, “I don’t know how many ancient buildings scattered in the countryside will die out in such heavy rain.” In the memory of the director of Yanjiazhuang Village, Yan Yilin, the Kuixing Pavilion has been since the last century. In the 1980s, he was shaky as he remembered.

The Xinjiang County Cultural Relics Conservation Center stated that the Kuixing Pavilion of Yanjiazhuang is not in the county cultural preservation units and ungraded cultural preservation units.

  Lianda began to paint Shanxi ancient buildings in 1999.

For more than 20 years, he has visited ancient buildings in various parts of Shanxi, and has accumulated more than 2,000 paintings of ancient buildings in Shanxi.

In recent years, Lianda has begun to notice that the "withering" of ancient rural buildings in Shanxi has become more and more serious.

"Many old houses and ancient dwellings with great historical and artistic value were replaced and swallowed by new houses. Many old villages were gradually shrinking, and some remote villages were almost deserted due to the migration and withering of the population. The old houses became A piece of land was deserted and collapsed."

  In Lianda's view, the development of urbanization and the loss of rural population have led to the failure of ancient buildings to be maintained and repaired, which is an important reason for the continuous disappearance of ancient rural buildings.

"There are also contradictions between ancient buildings and the current newly-built towns and tourism development. In the case of squeezing land, many ancient buildings have become'stumbling blocks' for the development of some areas, and they have not hesitated to destroy them."

  In addition, due to the loss of necessary management and maintenance, ancient buildings in remote villages have become targets of looting by cultural relics thieves.

  From 2015 to 2016, there were frequent thefts of cultural relics and murals in Shanxi.

It is understood that out of the twelve murals confirmed to have been stolen, only two are cultural relics at the municipal level, while the rest are mostly cultural relics at the county level or cultural relics that are not listed as cultural relics.

Yan Xin, a volunteer who rescued ancient buildings, said, “If there is no one to look after the unclassified or low-level cultural relics, they are almost the same as being placed in the wild.”

  "In Shanxi, it is only a pillar foundation of low value, and it is very common to destroy a century-old building, and it is very common." Lianda introduced.

  In addition, the severe natural disasters over the years have also caused great damage to ancient buildings in Shanxi.

Take Pingyao County as an example. Historical materials such as "Fenzhou Fuzhi" and "Pingyao County Records" have recorded that since the establishment of the city, Pingyao has encountered at least 22 major floods. The "Once in a 10,000 Years" flood directly caused the destruction of the Nine Dragon Wall of the Prince's Temple and the collapse of 34 walls.

  Regarding the damage to a large number of ancient rural buildings in the rare rainstorm in Shanxi, Tang Dahua said, “The damage to the ancient rural buildings this time cannot be entirely attributed to the rain, because those ancient rural buildings that collapsed have been severely damaged before. This time the rain only accelerated the collapse."

  Yan Xin also said that due to structural problems, it is common for ancient buildings to leak rain.

In the case of continuous rain and rain, the phenomenon that the rain could not be discharged in time often occurred in ancient times. "The more troublesome thing now is that the building has collapsed when it is not raining, and the rain will only be more serious."

  Li Zhirong, deputy dean of the Cultural Heritage Research Institute of Zhejiang University, said in an interview with the Beijing News that the city and county-level cultural protection units suffered more losses this time. Of course, there are reasons for the lack of daily management and protection, but compared with the national and provincial protections. , They are quite different in terms of site selection, building structure and maintenance structure construction quality.

"Therefore, more attention is needed to strengthen daily management and protection in a targeted manner."

  Encourage social forces to participate in the protection of cultural relics

  At present, China's cultural relics implement a system of "territorial management and hierarchical responsibility", and the protection funds are mainly government investment.

  According to a person in charge of the Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the central and provincial fiscal funds have used more than 1 billion yuan for the maintenance and emergency protection of ancient architectural cultural relics protection units.

According to Shanxi Daily's "Wenbo Shanxi" public account, the funds for the protection of cultural relics in Shanxi Province have increased from 10 million yuan a year to 170 million yuan.

  Nevertheless, the contradiction between the large inventory of cultural relics and the lack of human and financial resources for cultural protection is still prominent in the cultural relics protection work in Shanxi Province.

  Among the many ancient buildings that were stolen in 2016 in Shanxi included the Longtian Temple in Xilianghe Village, a county-level cultural relic protection unit in Pingyao.

After the ancient temple murals were stolen, Yan Yinxi, the party secretary of Xilianghe Village, said in an interview with a reporter from the Beijing News that Xilianghe Village has always organized villagers to take care of the temple during the day, but there is no one to look after the temple at night. Going to the County Cultural Relics Bureau, the Cultural Relics Bureau stated that there is no such expenditure.

  "As a cultural relics rich in resources, especially a large cultural relics province with 28,027 ancient buildings, such a heavy and urgent task of cultural relics protection is far from enough to rely on government investment at all levels." The above-mentioned person in charge of the Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau said, Shanxi The protection of most municipal and county-level cultural preservation units in the province and the protection of cultural relics and ancient buildings that have not yet been announced as cultural preservation units is still the biggest problem and challenge facing the protection of cultural relics in Shanxi Province.

  The person in charge also introduced that for low-level cultural relics that are not listed as cultural relics, on the one hand, the Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau is continuously upgrading the corresponding protection levels, strengthening cultural relic safety inspections and building fire-fighting facilities; on the other hand, national cultural relics The bureau and provincial cultural relics departments encourage local governments to introduce supporting incentives, rewards and subsidies policies to attract more social forces to participate in the protection of cultural relics.

  In 2014, Shanxi initiated the legislation of "Shanxi Province Social Forces Participating in the Protection and Utilization of Ancient Buildings Regulations".

In September 2016, the Shanxi Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics officially issued the "Interim Measures for Social Forces in Shanxi Province to Participate in the Protection and Utilization of Cultural Relics", encouraging qualified social organizations and individuals to participate in the protection and utilization of cultural relics in accordance with the law.

  The "Measures" stipulate that social investors select protection and utilization objects based on the information related to cultural relics published by the cultural relics administration of the county-level people's government, and apply for protection and utilization to the cultural relics administration of the county-level people's government where the cultural relics are located.

  After signing the protection and utilization agreement and becoming the person responsible for the protection and utilization of cultural relics, social investors need to maintain and protect cultural relics in accordance with relevant regulations, implement safety precautions such as fire protection and anti-theft of cultural relics, and conduct reasonable display, development and development of cultural relics. use.

  In March 2017, the Shanxi Provincial Government issued the "Shanxi Province Mobilization of Social Forces to Participate in the Conservation and Utilization of the "Civilization Watch Project" Implementation Plan", and launched a new policy for the "adoption" of low-level cultural relics.

On the premise of not changing the ownership of cultural relics, encourage and guide social organizations, enterprises or individuals to participate in the protection and utilization of cultural relics at the city and county level and other immovable cultural relics through funded repairs and adoption.

  Since then, the Shanxi Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics and the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce have established a mechanism to hold two cultural relics and architecture adoption promotion meetings each year. At present, they have held 4 cultural relics and architecture adoption promotion meetings in Yanhu District, Hunyuan County, Hejin City, Gaoping City and other places. Yes, 238 cultural relics were adopted, and 300 million yuan of social funds were attracted.

  The rush to repair cultural relics after the heavy rain disaster in Shanxi also involved the participation of all social forces.

  Shanxi Youth Foundation previously announced that the official donation platform "Sanjin Civilization Watch Special Fund" established by the foundation to protect ancient buildings in Shanxi received a total of 5,080 donations totaling more than 6.45 million yuan.

Tencent, ByteDance, Ant Group and other companies also mentioned in their statements on donations to the disaster in Shanxi that part of the donated funds will be used for the restoration of cultural relics and ancient buildings.

  Both rescue and preventive protection

  According to the staff of the Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, the post-disaster assessment of cultural relics in Shanxi Province has started on the 15th.

  The Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau previously announced that the evaluation of the disaster situation of cultural relics in the province will be carried out in a manner of grouping the city and the team leader. Through on-site field surveys, scientific protection measures and reasonable funding requirements will be put forward after professional evaluation of damaged cultural relics. Provide a basis for the actual repair and protection work in the next step.

  The “Measures for the Protection and Management of Cultural Relics Building Components” issued by Shanxi Province in 2013 stipulate that the management, use units, owners, and users of cultural relics buildings shall not dismantle or replace cultural relics building components without authorization.

If the components of cultural relics really need to be dismantled or replaced, they must be implemented after the approval procedures are fulfilled in accordance with the law.

  Lianda mentioned that he had seen a lot of damage to ancient buildings caused by blind repairs before.

"Some areas have done well in repairing dilapidated ancient buildings. However, due to the lack of professional ancient building repair concepts and techniques, the temples are often painted red and willow green, and they are very gaudy, completely losing the characteristics of the cultural relics themselves, and new constructions. The antique buildings are the same."

  He urged that endangered ancient buildings should be reasonably repaired by the professional ancient building repair department.

"The appearance and internal structure of ancient buildings should not be easily changed and whitewashed during repairs, and the historical information of the ancient buildings themselves should be protected as much as possible, so as not to make them look like new constructions after repairs. In the words of Mr. Liang Sicheng, "I hope to prolong life," I don’t want to rejuvenate.”

  "Any cultural relics that are damaged are irreparable losses, because the cultural relics cannot be regenerated." Li Zhirong said, "What we can do beforehand is to save their information as soon as possible."

  The cultural relics digitization team of Zhejiang University Cultural Heritage Research Institute led by Li Zhirong has long maintained cooperative relationships with many cultural protection units in Shanxi Province. At present, more than 100 municipal and county-level cultural protection units in Shanxi have completed rescue digital archives of color sculpture murals of ancient buildings in danger. .

Li Zhirong said that a detailed digital record of all the endangered ancient buildings in Shanxi can reduce the loss of cultural relics in disasters to a certain extent.

  According to the official website of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage is currently guiding various professional units to carry out relevant scientific research projects, promoting basic research, new technology application and system integration, forming a systematic scientific system, and promoting the protection of cultural relics from " "Rescue protection" is transformed into "rescue protection and preventive protection".

  It is understood that Shanxi Province has previously carried out digital protection projects for important ancient buildings and painted sculptures and murals. Digital information preservation of important ancient buildings and painted sculptures and murals has been carried out through digital means, and key points such as Pingyao city walls, Yongle Palace murals, and the east hall of Foguang Temple have been carried out. The cultural relics protection unit conducts danger monitoring.

  Li Zhirong said that the essence of digital cultural relics protection is to use digital technical methods to comprehensively and permanently record the information of cultural relics, laying a reliable foundation for the continued protection and research of the ontology.

"Shanxi and even the whole country need to collect and record the information of grassroots cultural relics. I hope that from the management policy level, the comprehensive digital information collection of grassroots cultural relics will be incorporated into the daily management of various places."

  The late Zeng Yizhi, a member of the China Association for the Protection of Historic Sites and Relics, said in an interview with a reporter from the Beijing News that “Shanxi really has no time to take care of the protection of some ancient buildings. Therefore, it is best to keep them hidden before they are completely preserved. Don’t overexpose.”

  According to Zeng Yizhi, during the third national cultural relics census, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage has investigated in detail the immovable cultural relics that are not listed in the cultural relics protection unit, but the detailed information has not been published in the published list, because they are worried that this part of the cultural relics will appear. Insufficient protection will give criminals an opportunity to take advantage.

  Beijing News reporter Hu Xianhe shows holy Jiang Huizi