Scientists discover a protein that erases bad memories

A number of scientists have discovered a protein that can be modified to change people's feelings or erase their bad memories.

According to the British newspaper, The Independent, long-term memories fall into two categories: fact-based memory, such as those related to names, places and events, and instinctive memory related to emotions or skills.

Scientists believe that instinctive memories can be modified, which may help people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The University of Cambridge scientists found that a protein called shank acts as a support for receptors that determine how strong connections are between different neurons. As a result, any degradation of this protein may help erase and modify some memories.

This may be done with the use of chemical compounds called beta-blockers, which are used in some medications to treat high blood pressure, migraine headaches, angina and irregular heart rhythms.

The team conducted an experiment on a number of mice, where the mice were trained to click on a specific device, and then this device was attached to an electric stun, where the mice felt afraid to approach it afterwards.

The scientists gave the mice certain doses of beta-blockers, and then repeated the experiment again to find that the mice did not remember anything about the electric taser, but rather clicked on the device without fear.

Dr Amy Melton, who led the Cambridge team of scientists, said: "These are really complex mechanisms, and we have to keep in mind that our experiment was done in animals only and has not yet been tested in humans. Human brains are similar to mice brains, but certainly more complex."

Milton indicated that they hope to be able to conduct their experiment on a number of PTSD patients in particular, stressing that if their results are validated on these patients, this may help support them psychologically and reduce cases of depression and suicide.