Felipe González


and spoiled the party for

Pedro Sánchez


This is how it could be summarized what happened yesterday on the central day of the 40th Federal Congress of the PSOE.

At a time when it has all the polls against it, and the

weariness of the Prime Minister

is so evident, the party trusted everything to convey at least a message of


to the public.

Hence, the socialists believed that it was a priority to give prominence to

those two souls that González and Zapatero represent today.

and in tune with the prevailing sanchismo


But the photograph of the reconciliation between Felipe and Sánchez, after years of estrangement and head-on collisions, in which the former felt "orphaned of leadership", remained in a mere pose because

The former president did not avoid criticism and darts to the current leader of the PSOE


They hurt a lot in Ferraz because they are aware that they are shared by an important part of their supporters and of course many Spaniards, who neither understand nor support the Sanchista drift.

A) Yes,

González vindicated before his coreligionists the "regime of 78"

, harshly charging that Sánchez's partner in Moncloa, Podemos, has no other obsession than to tear down the framework of coexistence that emanates from the Constitution.

And at the same time transferring a veiled but direct criticism to the president himself, since he has been installed for several years in a pact with the populist left, the Catalan independence movement and the heirs of ETA and in

a way of doing frontist politics in the antipodes of the spirit of 78


But González went even further.

He did not spare darts against the reinvention of a socialism that departs from the basic principle of freedom, nor against the erosion of coexistence, nor against postulates of the foreign policy of the current Government such as its harmony with the dictatorship of


, nor against the crazy ideological battles in which the PSOE is involved today in issues such as the


, in line with the

lunge that Carmen Calvo had also thrown at Sánchez


His face was a poem while González demanded that he "stimulate the freedom to express himself critically", another good dart to

a president who accepts only the highest cult of the leader and who is leaving the party a wasteland for the discussion of ideas


In short, a failed attempt by Ferraz if he wanted to pretend that the PSOE is a cohesive force.

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