So far on the 16th, 484 cases have been announced nationwide.

In addition, it was announced that 7 people died in Tokyo, 2 people in Saitama prefecture, 2 people in Osaka prefecture, 1 person in Kyoto prefecture, and 1 person in Chiba prefecture, for a total of 13 people.

The number of people confirmed to be infected in Japan is 1,713,983, including airport quarantine, and the number of passengers and crew on cruise ships is 712, for a total of 1,714,695.

A total of 18,104 people have died, including 18,091 people confirmed to be infected in Japan and 13 cruise ship passengers.

各自治体などによりますと、国内で感染が確認された人は累計で次のとおりです。( )内は16日の新たな感染者数です。






















































・ Aggregation may be revised by local governments at a later date, but past manuscripts are not revised retroactively, so there may be differences in the cumulative number.

・ Infected persons of the US Forces Japan are not included.