Recently, in Jiangxi Taohongling Sika Deer National Nature Reserve, infrared cameras monitored and photographed wild sika deer South China subspecies.

  Through the infrared camera to monitor the picture, you can see cute sika deer, drinking water along the river, or foraging in the woods and grass, not only the picture of mother deer pacing beside the river, but also the scene of herd of deer eating together in the same frame .

Some of them look and smell into the infrared camera lens from time to time, and some even "tick" directly in front of the lens.

  On October 9, Jiangxi Taohongling Sika Deer South China Subspecies Conservation Achievement Release and Special Symposium were held in Nanchang.

The meeting released the 40-year history of protection and development, protection effectiveness and population status of Jiangxi Taohongling sika deer South China subspecies, and announced that the population survey of Jiangxi Taohongling sika deer South China subspecies in 2021 is about 624, an increase of 10 compared to 40 years ago. Times.

(Reporter Liu Zhankun produced Sui Zhiyuan video source from Jiangxi Taohongling Sika Deer National Nature Reserve)

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]