A strange creature rings the bell and terrifies a woman.. Video

A woman and her daughter were terrified in their home in eastern England after they were surprised by a strange object ringing her door bell, and when she checked the surveillance cameras, she discovered that a "snail" had passed over the bell, which led to the ringing inside the house.

The newspaper "Metro" said that the woman, Lian Jennings, and her daughter jumped from their beds, after they heard the doorbell ringing, and it was found that the snail crawled on the bell and its movement slowly appeared in the surveillance camera.

"I was a little terrified at first and when I replayed the footage, I started laughing," the woman said.

She indicated that she put the video on her social media and everyone was sending her messages to tell her that the incident was very funny.

'Ring, ring, anybody home?'

— Slug

A woman in the UK couldn't understand why her doorbell kept mysteriously ringing.

But when she checked the Ring security footage, she found the culprit was a slug.


— NowThis (@nowthisnews) October 8, 2021

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