After watching

Pleasure, I cycle home cold-sweaty and compulsively read interviews with Sofia Kappel, the feature film debut star in Nina Thyberg's acclaimed, already acclaimed, porn film drama.

She seems to be fine.

As if she knows that the audience needs comfort, she speaks specifically about the rawest scene and says that it was not at all difficult to do. 

Porn stirs up a lot of emotions and opinions.

The debate usually gets stuck in the reception (our children find porn online!) And is rarely about the producers.

An industry where there are well-paid stars as well as abuse and actors who harrow on without ever breaking through. 

Pleasure portrays

this particular industry with all that it entails of "consent-forms", cute assistants, spicy filmmakers who behave as if they are just making a commercial for breakfast cereals.

Then: swaying cocks, raw scenes, cum on his face, red-spotted buttocks, paper handkerchiefs, a quick shower and "Do you want a cup of coffee, honey?".

Svenska Bella Cherry anländer till Los Angeles för att bli en stor porrstjärna och, som hon skriver på instagram: fucka med jantelagen. Hon kör runt mellan olika hus och inspelningar, på kvällen äter hon pizza och garvar med tjejerna i kollektivet, också de inom branschen.

Den hardcore-scen

som får mig att dra ner luvan över ögonen och riktigt krypa ihop vrålar ut frågan vad som är skillnaden mellan ett spelat övergrepp och ett riktigt. Jag ska inte genera Nina Thyberg med mina instinktiva moraliska reaktioner, hon har gjort en film som är smartare än så. Hon visar hur våldet sprids som ett smittsamt virus. Våld och övergrepp kanske kan härbärgeras för en tid, men måste så småningom ut, eller vidare. På ett intrikat sätt berättar Thyberg också om den skruvade logiken i hur ett offer för övergrepp i ett försök att återta kontrollen utsätter sig för övergrepp igen. Fast i beredskap och med någon form av egenmakt.

It sounds dark,

I know.

But Pleasure is not a movie that gets lost in misery.

In the friendship with the roommates (Revika Reustle!) And the care from some, serious producers, the light seeps in.

It may be unclear and unspoken what Bella Cherry's driving forces are, but I accept that she is there and that she sometimes has a lot of fun. 

Pleasure features a handful of real porn actresses, such as star Evelyn Claire with at least 100 roles in the bag.

Debuting 23-year-old Sofia Kappel is in the middle of basically every scene and completely magnetic.

She is cocky, terrified, blasé and fragile every now and then. 

There are plenty

of naked and vulnerable situations here, but never in a voyeuristic way.

The gaze is not on Bella Cherry, it is with her and in solidarity.

Even though I sometimes want to close my eyes and cover my ears, it is impossible to close my eyes because Nina Thyberg has made a film with great courage and enormous fingertip feeling.