Hong Kong media: Many official websites of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region have added the Chinese National Emblem pattern, including the Legislative Council, the Chief Executive’s Office, etc.

  [Global Network Report] According to the Hong Kong "Orange News" report, the official websites of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, the Legislative Council, the Chief Executive's Office, and the Judiciary have added a Chinese national emblem to the top of the website today (8th).

According to reports, the SAR government has not yet issued a notice on the relevant changes.

  It can be seen from the webpage that the proportion of the new national emblem on each official website is larger than that of the regional emblem on the side.

  According to the report, in addition to the above four websites, other government websites such as the Trade Development Bureau, the Innovation and Technology Bureau, and the Security Bureau still only have the regional emblem, without the national emblem.