Megaiti County is located in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. In April 2005, it was named the "Hometown of Chinese Daolang Peasant Painting".

Daolang Peasant Paintings are the fruits of peasant painters' life imagination and artistic creativity. They are mainly paintings based on the fruits of local rural labor, folk customs, and daily life.

Daolang Peasant Painting Village has more than 300 well-known painters, and it receives more than 100,000 domestic and foreign tourists every year, and its annual sales income reaches hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Peasant painters through their own wisdom and creation have enabled Daolang peasant paintings to innovate and develop, and also increase family income, becoming model households in poverty alleviation and prosperity in the countryside.

The picture shows the artist Reheman Apiz working on September 27th.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Tomita  

Release time: 2021-09-28 10:24:45 【Editor: Zhai Lu】