The activity of the volcano on La Palma increased again at the weekend.

On Saturday part of the crater broke off and two new vents opened, from which more fluid and faster flowing lava emerged.

Up to 25,000 tons of sulfur dioxide are thrown into the atmosphere every day.

Several hundred residents from nearby locations were brought to safety, and rescue workers had to withdraw from time to time.

After the ash layer had been removed from the airport, the previously interrupted flight operations were resumed on Sunday.

At the weekend long queues formed at the port of La Palma.

At times, the ferries were the only connection to the outside world.

A week after the first eruption, almost 6,000 people have had to leave their homes.

By Sunday, more than 461 buildings and around 17 kilometers of roads had been destroyed.

According to the Canarian volcano research institute Involcan, the eruptions could last three to twelve weeks.