There is the shock of the diagnosis, the struggle during treatment, and the lasting transformation of self-image.

Loss of hair, eyebrows, weight variation… Breast cancer upsets the body.

But losing one or both breasts is probably the most difficult.

Because the mastectomy leaves one or more gaping holes and scars in the place of your old breast.

Some women, who have a high risk of developing breast cancer due to genetic predispositions, such as the BRCA gene, popularized by Angelina Jolie, choose preventive mastectomy.

Forget the mutilation

Whether after cancer or in a preventive setting, women can, after the ablation, decide to start breast reconstruction.

Thanks to advances in medicine, there are now several techniques, adapted to each patient, her history and her wishes.

Recovering her femininity, forgetting the mutilation, rebuilding herself after illness ... Breast reconstruction can allow these women to regain self-confidence.

On social networks, some have chosen to tell this obstacle course.

Because between failures, psychological distress, lack of support or difficulty accepting your new body, reconstruction is far from being the easiest step.

On the occasion of Pink October, breast cancer month,

20 Minutes

 wanted to give a voice to these women.

Have you had a preventive mastectomy or an ablation due to breast cancer?

How many operations and what types of reconstructions have you done?

Have you been accompanied?

What did you think of the attitude of the caregivers?

Have you been followed by a psychologist?

How did you experience this new stage?

Have you got used to your new body?

Tell us how the different stages of your breast reconstruction went and how you experienced it.


Breast cancer: How pink October is reinventing itself in the time of the coronavirus?


Cancer Day: The "triplets" want to improve access to treatment for "triple negative" breast cancer

  • Society

  • Cancer

  • Women's health

  • Breast cancer

  • Health