Eating these foods in the evening helps you sleep well

The Federal Center for Nutrition reports that sleep difficulties can be combated by eating foods rich in melatonin, which is known as the “sleep hormone.”

It works to reduce body temperature and blood pressure, thus preparing one to go to sleep.

The center explained that foods rich in melatonin should be eaten in the evening, which are: milk, eggs, pistachios, bananas, cherries, avocados and cranberries.

In addition to eating foods containing melatonin, stress should be countered by practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation.

For a good night's sleep, the bedroom should be an ideal sleeping environment;

The room should be dark and quiet, with an appropriate temperature between 15 and 18 degrees Celsius.

It is also taken into account not to be exposed to the blue light emitted by electronic devices such as smartphones and televisions, at least two hours before going to bed;

Because blue light suppresses the hormone melatonin, which is needed for sleep.

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