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A few days ago, chatting with a friend who is a podiatrist and in line with the "Back to school", he told me that

changing shoes is much more important than backpack

but that many times parents do not see it that way.

That ignorance leads too many times to

an incorrect use of footwear

, something that can have serious consequences (especially in childhood) such as deformation of the fingers, alterations in the nails or even problems in walking.

If you want to be much clearer about

what to take into account when choosing footwear

for back to school, I invite you to take off your


, get comfortable and keep reading.

What should have the ideal footwear?

One of the main characteristics is the material with which it has been manufactured: we must always choose footwear made with

natural and flexible materials such

as leather or cotton fabric since they allow perspiration, avoiding plastic whenever possible.

Also pay attention to

the way it is attached to the foot


We must opt ​​for shoes with laces or velcro since they prevent the foot from sliding inside it.

Why are shoes for school so important?

By age and time.

Both factors make choosing good shoes for school use so important for the present and the future of children.

Age, because they are in full growth stage

and poor footwear can cause alterations in the nails, deformations in the fingers or even significant alterations in gait.

And the time because it has been calculated that,

on average, a school-age child wears shoes between nine and twelve hours a day


Long hours to wear unsuitable shoes.

And when you get home?

Out of shoes


Despite the fact that the footwear has been correctly chosen and adapts perfectly to the child's foot, shoes and sports shoes should only be worn a few hours a day.

At home, your feet should be free

, wearing only non-slip socks or house slippers.

What do I do with extracurricular footwear?

It is common for children to wear specific footwear such as football boots or athletic shoes for some after-school classes.

It is essential that they

use this type of footwear only during these sports activities

, keeping it stored in a bag that allows perspiration and removing it from it when they get home.

Trainers with rollers, are they dangerous?

In fact,

this type of footwear should be considered for what it is: a toy.

In no case should it be considered normal footwear with which you can go to school.

These are unstable footwear, with a high heel and a lot of weight, so their use should not exceed a couple of hours a week.

Is it advisable to inherit footwear?

Although this is a fairly common practice,

it is not advisable for young children to inherit footwear

from their older siblings or cousins.

Each person has a different way of walking, and sharing worn footwear can alter it and end up causing problems.

How do I choose the size?

Ideally, the length of the shoe should be approximately

one centimeter greater than the total length of the child's foot


This will not only allow a correct growth but it will allow to maintain the natural movements of the foot when walking.




fall into the idea of ​​buying

a shoe larger than necessary

with the intention that it last the entire course.

This will generate chafing on the foot and an unstable gait no matter how much we tighten the velcro or the laces.

And with babies?

What footwear do they need?

Until 12 months of age they do not need any

type of footwear.

We only have to protect the baby's feet from cold, humidity and friction, so a pair of booties or socks would suffice.

And when do they start walking?


first steps usually come naturally between 12 and 18 months

, and we should never force the child to take them.

It is at this time and up to 3 years of age when the natural arches are defined, we must then

pay attention to the footwear because it should help the child to achieve a correct gait

, facilitating the normal performance of the step.

How do I know if my child needs templates?

The way to know exactly is to

visit a podiatry specialist

, but we can detect certain things that alert us: if you fall frequently, if we observe that you put your feet in or out when walking, if you habitually complain of pain in some part of the foot or ankle ... These are clues that can make us think that something is not right.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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