Faced with the inaction of the political and judicial institutions that allow the convocation of the so-called ongi etorri in honor of the murderers of ETA in towns of the Basque Country, the victims of terrorism took to the streets this Saturday to

claim their dignity and demand that they be do justice



the AVT

, which organized rallies in Madrid, Zaragoza, Granada and San Sebastián -places where

Henri Parot

committed his 39


, and

Voces contra el Terrorismo

-which maintained the

act in Mondragón, despite the fact that the proetarras decided not to pay their homage to the former member of the bloodthirsty

roaming command

- They demanded that the Government and the Justice prevent the holding of these acts of

exaltation of terrorism

, because they represent a new humiliation for the dead, the wounded and their families, and are an obscene attempt to

manipulate the memory of what happened

, making victims the executioners and justifying the use of violence to achieve political objectives.

The representatives of the three parties that came to shelter the victims (

PP, Vox and Citizens

) agreed in their criticism of

Pedro Sanchez

for the commitments made with the political heirs of the terrorist gang -thanks to whose abstention he could be sworn in as president- and they highlighted the indignity and offense of having as

Legislative Preferred Partner to EH Bildu

, whose votes he needs to be able to continue in La Moncloa.

Therefore, it is not surprising

cessions to Basque nationalism

, bringing the gang's inmates to prisons close to the Basque Country and favoring promotions in order to facilitate a prompt exit -as the pro-ETAs demand-, and transferring the powers of prisons to the PNV Government.

A policy that also entails a risk for coexistence between Spaniards and constitutional legitimacy, as Mondragón warned

María Jesús González, mother of Irene Villa

: "I hope they do not have to regret feeding the ETA snake".

The story orchestrated with the complicity of the Government to

whitewash criminal actions committed in the name of Basque nationalism

requires the oblivion and marginalization of the victims, uncomfortable witnesses for those who want to manipulate the past and

avoid the moral burden of what happened


That is why events such as those on Saturday are so important in all of Spain.

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