Pedro Sánchez affirmed at the beginning of the legislature that the Government "will speak with several voices, but always with a single word."

However, what has been happening since then is just the opposite.

There is no matter of depth in which PSOE and Podemos do not end up engaging in an eternal discussion that does nothing more than transfer uncertainty to both the social agents and the entire citizenry.

As with the limitation of rents or the regulation of the market

or electricity, the coalition once again exhibits its enormous internal cracks regarding the rise in the minimum interprofessional wage. The Ministry of Labor announced yesterday a unilateral increase in the minimum wage of 15 euros and with retroactive effect from September 1. Without agreement with the employer and within the Executive itself. Such a measure, if it materializes, will weigh down recovery and will be a heavy burden for the productive fabric, especially for SMEs and the self-employed.

The announcement of the unilateral increase in the minimum wage is the route chosen by Yolanda Díaz to pressure employers before the negotiation of the extension of the ERTE. The second vice president seeks to tighten the social dialogue as much as possible in order to coerce the employer in a crucial matter such as the extension of the temporary employment regulation files. There is no doubt that the Government intends to raise the SMI, but it is unacceptable for it to do so without first reaching an agreement not only with employers and unions but also among the parties that make up the coalition. Calviño and Escrivá made it clear yesterday that there is still nothing closed regarding the SMI. And, from Labor, although the possibility had been pointed out that this increase would be included in the agenda of the Council of Ministers next Tuesday,late in the afternoon they postponed this decision until the end of the month. This permanent gibberish with which the Government is conducting itself sinks the confidence of the social agents, deepens the discredit in the markets and foreign investments, and contributes to generating a climate of legal uncertainty that is lethal for the economy as a whole.

The offer launched by Trabajo to raise the SMI from September by 15 euros from the current 950 euros ignores Calviño's approach, who recommended doing it from October; and the CEOE and Cepyme employers' associations. It is a calamity for Spain that Díaz's radical theses and populist recipes are being imposed on the PSOE in the Executive. The increase in the minimum wage would entail a cost of 400 euros on average per worker and year for companies, in addition to an additional punishment in sectors such as the countryside or the hospitality industry. The reports of the Bank of Spain recommend freezing it taking into account the weakness of the recovery, the escalation of inflation and the unsustainable rates of youth unemployment. Only an irresponsible government decides to act unilaterally in this area.The last straw is to do it without the slightest internal coordination and with open contempt for social dialogue.

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