“Manar Al-Iman” launches “watering the birds” to protect them from thirst

  • “Bird Watering” provides 500 different watering devices.

    From the source

  • Nasser Al-Junaibi: The Foundation aims to achieve a policy of mutual giving towards nature.


Manar Al Iman Charitable Foundation in Ajman launched the "Bird Watering" initiative, to provide water for birds, to protect them from death due to high temperatures, to protect them from starvation due to hunger and thirst, and to reduce the spread of diseases related to birds.

The "Bird Watering" initiative, implemented by the Foundation for the first time, will continue until the end of next October, where 500 different watering cans have been provided covering many sites and places where birds are found in the Emirate of Ajman, especially public parks and residential areas.

The Executive Director of the Manar Al-Iman Charitable Foundation, Nasser bin Ali Al-Junaibi, said that the Foundation decided to add this initiative to its series of projects and programs, due to its importance in cultivating a culture of goodness and giving to humans, and even animals, as every soul needs to give according to its needs.

He added that this type of initiative enjoys the support and welcome of the community, and it embodies the diversity in giving and everyone's ability to participate in it. Reciprocity towards nature and not only humans, which is an important meaning and goal that the institution seeks to promote among the members of society.