Is the economic recovery threatened by labor shortages?

Audio 29:30

A textile factory in Moliens, Hauts-de-France, in September 2018 (illustrative image).

AFP / Denis Charlet

By: Romain Auzouy

30 mins

Is the economic recovery threatened by labor shortages? Thousands of factories shut down or idling around the world and yet full order books: this is the paradox of economic recovery in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis. The reason: the shortages.

Shortages of materials, raw materials.

Labor shortages due to a mismatch between supply and demand.

Which countries are the most affected?

What consequences while the stimulus plans have enabled the current recovery?

How to remedy this situation?


To discuss it


Benjamin Coriat

, Professor of Economics at the University of Paris XIII, member of the collective of appalled economists.

Author of the book " 

The pandemic, the anthropocene and the common good"

, published by Les ties qui liber

Éric Chevée

, elected in charge of social affairs of the CPME (Confederation of employers of small and medium-sized enterprises)

Mathieu Plane,

economist at OFCE, Sciences-Po's Economic Research Center.


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