A curious mission for the Bochum fire brigade: on Monday afternoon, she had to free a dog whose leash was pinched by an elevator and pulled up by her.

According to the fire brigade, the mishap occurred at 4:40 p.m. in an office building when its owner wanted to go upstairs with the dog from the basement.

But when the doors closed and the elevator started, the dog owner was inside, but the dog was not.

He was pulled up on the outside of his leash.

The woman managed to stop the elevator on the first floor.

There she blocked the light barrier to prevent the elevator from moving on and called for help.

The emergency services arrived at the office building a short time later and found the owner sitting on the floor of the elevator.

Firmly in hand: the last ten centimeters of the dog leash.

A troop rushed to the basement, where the animal hung helplessly on the upper edge of the elevator door.

The fire brigade stabilized the frightened animal, carefully cut the dog's harness with scissors and freed him.

In the end, the uninjured four-legged friend and its owner were reunited.