The Ukrainian authorities are eager to turn their country into a new Afghanistan.

Considering what is now happening in this state, it is possible to believe in such a statement only with very great difficulty.

Therefore, let's go straight to the source.

Tymofiy Mylovanov, Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, in an interview with the Financial Times:

“It would be logical to provide Ukraine with the same level of military and financial assistance that Afghanistan received, given that our viable state is determined to fight and adheres to liberal democratic values ​​... It’s time for Washington to realize that Ukraine needs billions of dollars in aid if it wants to survive in the long term in the face of the Russian threat. "

After reading this impassioned appeal, I plunged into long and painful thoughts. The speeches of Timofey Milovanov reminded me of something, but I just could not understand what it was. But finally it dawned on me: "Panikovsky," said Ostap, "were you instructed to meet with our client today and ask him for a million a second time, accompanying this request with idiotic laughter?" “As soon as he saw me, he crossed over to the opposite sidewalk,” Panikovsky replied smugly. “So, everything is going right. The client gets nervous. Now he is moving from dull bewilderment to unreasonable fear. I have no doubt that he jumps out of bed at night and piteously babbles: "Mom, mom!" A little more, the most nonsense, the last stroke of the brush - and he will finally mature. With a cry, he climbs into the sideboard and takes out a plate with a blue border ... " 

Of course, since the time when Ilf and Petrov wrote these lines, the appetites of Ostapov Bendery have noticeably grown. They no longer ask: "Give me a million!" As Tymofiy Mylovanov clearly formulated, any amount that cannot be calculated in “billions of dollars” will be perceived by “defenders of Ukrainian democracy” as an insult and a reason for a blood grievance. Of course, in this way, official Kiev only increases its worth. Zelensky's team acts in accordance with the principle of political (and any other) bargaining, old as the world: ask for more, you get at least something.

But did the adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine "collective Koreiko" from Washington ask? Did he fill the list of his deepest desires with the right points? In Kiev political circles, the former Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine (yes, we are dealing with a very broad specialist) Tymofiy Mylovanov is familiar primarily due to his picking match with the most famous local oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. Having listened to the "scholarly opinions" of the Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture, Kolomoisky, as a simple man, without further ado, called him a moron. In response, Timofey Milovanov said: “I do not hide the fact that I am a moron. My vision is that the scandal is over, because everyone has spoken out. There is a discussion, some people like its form, some do not. Each has its own position.This is a free society. " 

Arguing with a person who “does not hide that he is a moron” is, you see, an absolutely unnecessary occupation.

But I will not grab this humorous remark of the current adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine and use it to discredit Timofey Milovanov.

From my point of view, this Kiev politician is not a moron at all, but a person who is very deeply mistaken.

Not about that he is asking for his country, not at all about that!

The logic that Timofey Milovanov is guided by is quite understandable.

Previously, America had its own Afghanistan, for which a lot of money was spent from the budget.

Now the United States does not have its own Afghanistan.

Consequently, there is a surplus of free funds in the American budget.

And if so, then this surplus can well be spent on a "new Afghanistan" represented by Ukraine. 

Is it logical? It is not logical at all, dear Mr. Milovanov. False premise number one. Among the many problems of the United States, there is no such "misfortune" as "surplus of free funds." The official biography of Timofey Milovanov states that he received a master's degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin, in the city of Madison. This leads me to assume that he is aware of America's problems such as the federal deficit and trillions of dollars in public debt. But perhaps Timofey Milovanov thinks that these American problems should not worry him? That's right, they shouldn't. He should be concerned about Ukrainian problems - including those that he wants to create with his proposal.

If you call a spade a spade, then the adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine suggests that his country step on the path of self-destruction.

The American experiment in Afghanistan was not only unsuccessful, but disastrously unsuccessful.

Even the Americans themselves recognized this - but not Timofey Milovanov, eager to repeat this experiment in his own country.

Weapons exist to be used.

The use of weapons on a national scale is called war.

Who do you need to be to yearn to turn your homeland into a site for full-scale hostilities?

It is possible that for an answer it is worth contacting Igor Kolomoisky.

He knows for sure.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.