First Dog Major is said to have bitten more often than previously admitted.

In March alone, the German Shepherd, who moved into the White House with American President Joe Biden and his wife Jill earlier this year, allegedly attacked Secret Service employees eight times in eight days.

“Somebody was bitten every day that week.

Clothes were torn and skin was injured, ”wrote an anonymous employee in an email at the time.

The conservative Judicial Watch Foundation, which obtained the clearance of the files on Major's bites, now spoke of a "cover-up".

Jen Psaki, the White House spokeswoman, admitted only one attack by the three-year-old First Dog in March.

Major was surprised by an unknown person and bitten in shock.

As leaked at the time, the male then completed a stay in a dog school.

Since he took a bite from a dog trainer after the tutoring, the presidential couple had registered him there a second time in the spring.