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Treating problems from their roots!

Sami Al Riyami


August 25, 2021

No single party can develop effective solutions for any negative phenomenon, even if this body has the competence. If efforts are not combined, and if not everyone works in an integrated manner, the results will definitely not be satisfactory, and they will not be successful.

This applies to the prevention of community diseases, although the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, in addition to the various health authorities, are the concerned authorities charged with spreading health culture and protecting public health in the community, but the Ministry alone cannot reach a result, unless it cooperates with it. Other executive bodies, and unless community members cooperate with them themselves, they are the main key to all steps and stages of success, there is no success without their cooperation, and no strategies that can make what community members refuse to do!

The Ministry of Health conducts health surveys periodically, monitors phenomena, and publishes percentages and figures for various diseases suffered by members of society, from diabetes to high blood pressure, to heart diseases, and draws comparisons and analyzes that justify an increase or decrease in the number of infected people, but what next?

Is that all?

Is it sufficient to know the rate of diabetes in children and adults?!

What is the percentage of females and males with high blood pressure?

Is a survey an end in itself?

Or an indication of reaching other goals?!

Certainly, health statistical surveys are very important, but the most important of them is to take executive steps and issue healthy and unhealthy decisions that address the high indicators shown by these surveys, otherwise the justifications are never important in principle!

Since the Ministry of Health is not the governmental body authorized to issue some important executive decisions to limit the spread of some diseases, all executive bodies must participate, cooperate and integrate with the efforts of the Ministry of Health.

For example, all officials and specialists in the Ministry of Health know the causes of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, but they do not have the authority to issue some decisions related to preventing the sale of some very dangerous types of sweets and sweets in outlets, or in groceries that are widely spread in residential areas And very close to children's reach!

In New York, for example, a statistical survey showed an increase in the number of patients with high blood pressure, and after many studies they reached an important conclusion that stands behind this disease, which is the high proportion of salt in food, so the municipality was only to issue a decision for all city restaurants restricting the use of Salt in a certain percentage, and from here it addressed the root of the problem, and did not leave the matter in a number frame, just it appeared in a health survey only!

This is what we need here to treat and prevent many diseases, which is to address the roots of the problem, and not be satisfied with only numbers and indicators!



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