Corals are home to 25% of marine biodiversity.

These very living animals are among the first victims of the warming of seas and oceans.

Sandrine Treyvaud is trying to repair damaged coral reefs thanks to her association Ocean Quest: “We will recover broken corals, which will die but which are still alive, and we will cut them into small pieces to glue them back onto a natural substrate that we will take in the water.


The Ocean Quest volunteer divers then monitor their growth before putting them back on a larger reef: “These corals will be able to grow and once they are mature, they will lay their eggs and mix their genes with the other corals on the reef and therefore participate in biodiversity.


Sandrine Treyvaud dives to the rescue of corals with the Ocean Quest association in the video of our partner Brut.

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  • Planet

  • Global warming

  • Biodiversity

  • Association

  • Coral

  • Sea

  • Ocean