The call was published in the Norwegian daily Verdens gang, VG, on Tuesday.

Among the undersigned are authors such as Jo Nesbø, Vigdis Hjorth and Karl-Ove Knausgård.

Maja Lunde, author of books such as Bina's history and Blue, and biology professor Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson are also among the names.   

The authors demand political action and urge voters to vote for the same parties as them in this autumn's elections to the Storting, parties which according to the article are prepared to act for the environment.

These are the parties Socialist Left Party (SV), the Green Party (MDG), Red or Left. 

Code red-emergency

The authors refer to the IPCC's latest climate report, which strongly states that humans affect the climate.

They write that humanity is in a "code red-emergency", where we already see the consequences of climate change, including the summer fires and floods.

Norway in particular, which has harvested the fruits of the country's oil extraction for 50 years, has a great responsibility, the authors say.  

The Storting election will take place on 13 September.