One month until the federal election and the CDU is in a crisis.

In the polls, depending on the institute, it is on a par with the SPD or even behind it.

Whether Angela Merkel will become a chancellor again after 16 years at the helm of Germany is rather uncertain at the moment.

This certainly has to do with the low popularity of Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet - but also with the CDU itself. 

Timo Steppat

Editor in politics.

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She looks drained.

And when Armin Laschet was asked last week what he and his party wanted to achieve, he said: create a digitization ministry, remain an industrial country and still make progress in climate protection.

Could he name a third thing that one wanted to achieve?

He couldn't think of anything.

Why the party was unable to renew itself in terms of content at the end of the Merkel era is one of the questions that we are investigating in a long review of her chancellorship.

With Günter Bannas, former head of the FAZ parliamentary office, and Eckart Lohse, FAZ correspondent and longtime observer of the Chancellor.

Is Angela Merkel actually a social democrat?

Is she a feminist?

What is your political legacy?

And what reforms has it really implemented?

And why didn't you succeed in implementing a European migration policy?

Other guests are Friederike Haupt, FAS correspondent in Berlin, Ralph Bollmann, Merkel biographer and FAS correspondent, as well as Jasper von Altenbockum, head of domestic affairs at FAZ

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