• From this Monday, Estelle Denis will take the air every day of the week from 12 noon to 3 p.m. for 

    Estelle Midi: we are not going to lie to each other


  • Around her, four columnists and columnists will discuss current events on RMC on the radio and simultaneously on RMC Story on TV.

  • "I'm not sure that I would have been offered this experience later so there is the idea of ​​especially not having any regrets because the proposal is beautiful", confides the host to

    20 Minutes


New band for a new life. This Monday, Estelle Denis joined the ranks of RMC to host 

Estelle Midi: we will not lie

, a talk show broadcast both on the airwaves of the station and on RMC Story, channel 23 of TNT, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. A double challenge for the host who takes her first steps as conductor of a radio program.

At lunchtime, the news of the day will be analyzed by a group of columnists and columnists including the journalist Daniel Riolo, the novelist Annie Lemoine, the former editor-in-chief of


Laurence Pieau, the activist of women's rights Fatima Benomar and infectious disease specialist Robert Sebbag.

Estelle Denis, she will lead the discussions.

She confides in

20 Minutes

on this new challenge.

This is your first time hosting a radio show.

How pressured are you?

The level is maximum.

You don't necessarily see it, but I'm a very stressed person.

And again more than usual because it's radio.

I've always wanted to do it and it's going to be my first time as number 1. It's a lot of stress and then it's three hours of radio, a new tape, a new medium to tame.

It's positive excitement, but for someone stressed by nature, that's a lot.

Estelle Midi, it will be a news program and debates with columnists.

Can you tell us more?

It will be a three hour program with five or six debates per day. These will be topical debates, a bit like those we have when we are with family or at the office, at the coffee machine. These are really societal debates rooted in everyday life. There will be a band of four chroniclers each day with first Rémi Barret, responsible for putting each debate into perspective, to provide a figure. Then there will be three different columnists each day, it will revolve around the table. Anthony Morel will talk about innovations, Marie Dupin will write a very societal column to try to solve the problems of the French with a lot of testimonials. There will be an RMC zapping.It's a radio station that I have listened to a lot for a very long time and I told myself that there were so many highlights every day that we had to zap them. For those who did not have time to listen to RMC the day before, these will be the highlights that we were able to listen to in

Apolline Matin


The loudmouths


The Moscato Show


The after


And there will of course be a very great importance for the word of the listeners

How did you put together your gang?

We brainstormed a bit together and names have emerged.

Names that I gave, names that were suggested to me and I said that was great.

We have a great gang because it's heterogeneous with people who don't think the same way.

Many have had several lives, they have not done just one job in their life and I find that very interesting.

What all these people have in common is that they are really anchored in everyday life.

What did you like when you were introduced to the project?

It's the idea of ​​doing radio, I've always wanted to do it.

I am not sure that I would have been offered this experience later so there is the idea of ​​especially not having any regrets because the proposal is beautiful, because we are in a rather exceptional year with the presidential election. and Covid-19.

There are a lot of things that made me think I had to go.

Creating a gang takes time but that's what we did with

L'Equipe d'Estelle


100% Foot


These are always exciting experiences that allow you to have strong friendships with the people you work with.

You've been doing sports journalism on L'Equipe for four years.

Did you feel like it was time to change your domain?

I never wanted to move away from it but it is the proposal that made me really want.

Just as I had moved away from it for a while, I came back because I really wanted to when L'Equipe made this offer to me four years ago.

I really work at will, at the proposal.

I'm not leaving L'Equipe at all because I was unhappy there, but because I wanted to try this experience.

Will football have a small place in the debates or will the show only be interested in political, economic, societal news?

No, because sport is an integral part of the news.

You just have to see the debates people have, they talk a lot about sport, it's not just my home.

We all can't wait to see the France team again after the Euro fiasco so it's obvious that we're going to talk about that.

And then there is a World Cup in a year and a half, it's tomorrow.

Sport is important news.

Do you dread doing a radio show where you also have to think about RMC Story viewers in front of their TV?

Ultimately, TV is my daily life so it's the easiest thing for me actually. There's also a trick: I've been doing daily shows for a very long time and I'm used to having audiences falling every day and I admit I was very anxious about audiences falling every quarter. So I'm very happy because I will have a preview every day, it will calm my anxieties (laughs). I will have to learn a lot of things and in particular to manage the ads, the times. On TV, I didn't do what I wanted, but sometimes I wasn't up to the minute. There, I believe that I would not have the right so I will really have to discipline myself. It's true that the shows are not the same on TV and radio. For example, the flash is just on radio, not on TV.These are little mechanics to have but it's quite exciting. I'm less worried about the TV than the radio.

With so many TV channels offering 24 hour talk shows, how are you going to set yourself apart from other shows?

I'm not going to try to distinguish myself, I'm going to try to do what I can do.

When I arrived on L'Equipe, everyone asked me how I was going to do something different from

L'Equipe du soir

, which was already a very iconic show, and we realized with Olivier Ménard that the title of the debate was the same but it was very different.

It is the constitution of the band, the chronicles which make that the emission is not the same one.

Me, I never tried to distinguish myself from anything, that is not the goal.

Trying to be different is not my style.


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