The collapse of the system of external American control in Afghanistan raised doubts about the rationality and correctness of the system of external American control in Ukraine. And these doubts are expressed not by "ordinary suspects" - those who are already opposed to Washington's domination in the political circles of Kiev. The cogs of the current Ukrainian political machine, the very one that works (perhaps it would be more correct to say “does not work”), under the tight American tutelage, will deign to “speak seditiousness”. For example, Alexey Arestovich, a freelance adviser to the head of the presidential office, Volodymyr Zelensky, tried himself as a "dissident".

Appreciate what this Ukrainian official wrote on social media: “The events in Afghanistan are the collapse of the doctrine of 'liberal democracy for all, which won and stopped history'” in 1991. As it turned out (suddenly), the real world is poorly adapted to idealistic experiments to unify everyone under a single ideal concept. First, the USSR was convinced of this. Now the United States is at the head of the collective West. The United States, a socio-system in which the intellectual density of specialists in all possible processes exceeds any other community on Earth, is reaping the processes of its misconceptions about reality. " 

Gee! Is it possible that the Ukrainian political class, of which Aleksey Arestovich is a prominent representative, is ripe to "encroach on the foundations" in the form of another state's control over its own country? Unfortunately, he was not ripe for this. He has matured so far only to get worn out, to complain, to show his intellectual toughness. Let's take a look at what Aleksey Arestovich writes further: “Hundreds of experts have argued for decades that it is possible to build free democratic societies in Afghanistan (RF, China, Iran, Iraq - add to taste). Hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives were spent under these fairy tales. "

Or maybe there is no need to "add to taste", Alexey? Maybe you should try to "add on the mind"? No, I understand everything. This small list of "incorrigible" was compiled in order to prick Russia, to show that in terms of the development of the political system, its place is somewhere near Iraq. But in order for the injection to be really painful and unpleasant, it must hit the intended target - where it hurts. Alexey Arestovich did not hit the target. Do you remember these immortal lines of Lermontov: "Horses, people mixed up in a heap?" So, the adviser to the head of the presidential administration Zelensky also mixed everything into one heap, and if not everything, then certainly countries from completely different categories.

Russia and China are states that have been pursuing an independent policy for quite a long time and do not allow "educators and teachers" from the United States into their internal affairs.

Iran is the worst enemy of the United States, which nevertheless has turned out to be the main geopolitical beneficiary of the unsuccessful American attempts to build a Western-style democracy in neighboring Iraq.

Therefore, if we start from what Aleksey Arestovich really had in mind, then his list should look like this: Afghanistan, Iraq and ... Ukraine.

And there is no need to say that I am putting into the mouth of a Kiev official what he did not want to say at all.

He didn't just want to say it.

He said it.

At the very end of Aleksey Arestovich's political reflections, the following thesis is contained: “One thing I have been convinced for sure: the struggle to build a“ new democratic state ”in Ukraine has no meaning. If there is anything to fight for, then immediately for the construction of a new civilization. " Valuable recognition - valuable but immediately devalued.

When Alexei Arestovich smashes the US political course, he is magnificent and convincing: “It turns out that liberal democracies destroy people, states and institutions no less successfully than the totalitarian regimes they“ fight ”against, and they know not much better than totalitarian regimes that does a specific person really need - today and in the future? Ideals are higher than intelligence. And much higher than comfort. Thousands of experts and tens of millions of fans are still guarding the picture of the world, in which everyone in the world wants a TV, refrigerator and feminism more than anything else. They love something, but, as (suddenly) it turned out, they do not want to give their lives for these great achievements of civilization. "

But where do the magnificence and persuasiveness go when Arestovich begins to talk not about the general, but about the particular - about measures to remedy the situation in his own country?

“Ukraine needs to fight to build a new civilization” - what exactly is hidden behind this grandiose abstraction?

Something extremely profound, but at the same time completely incomprehensible.

And if so, then this struggle that has not yet begun can be considered completed.

It all started with chatter - and with chatter and ended.

We must fight not for a “new civilization”, but for Ukraine to learn to live with its own mind again - without any American “help” there.

But now a real "attempt on the foundations", fraught with big career troubles.

Therefore, the adviser to the head of the presidential office of Zelensky will not say anything like that - at least not publicly.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.