A bullfight, two bulls, 'Feminista' and 'Nigeriano', and a radical decision: to suspend the traditional Begoña bullfighting fair in Gijón.

It is, with a flying feather, the sequence of events that have caused the last earthquake of the summer for the moment.

"The bullfighting fair is over," says the mayor of Gijón, Ana González (PSOE). "A city that believes in the equality of men and women cannot allow this type of thing."

Hundreds of bull fans and professionals who have come out to defend their profession against those who call them macho do not think the same.

One of them Cristina Sánchez, a former worker, who is very clear that this decision responds to other types of interests.

We spoke with her about this controversial decision and others that currently surround the world of bullfighting.

"A city that believes in the equality of men and women cannot afford this kind of thing ...". This is what the mayor of Gijón has justified. The argument is absurd. If it is a city as the mayor says, it is supposed to maintain that equality that all citizens have: the right to freedom of expression and to develop a totally legal, legal and constitutional profession. They have mixed two things, simply because of politics, ideology and the sectarianism they have in mind: everyone who does not think like them is against them. The mayor should respect professionals and bullfighting. Does all this controversy make sense or has it been exarcerated on social networks? She does not have the power to prohibit a profession that is legal. It has created a controversy of its ideology.It is normal that the people of the bull, the fans and those who believe in freedom come out to say that this is a frontal attack on bullfighting with political, ideological and sectarian overtones. So, does this decision respond only to a political sign? he has abused his power with his personal way of thinking. The ignorance that he has is such that he has screwed up in a way that borders on the ridiculous. Long before she was born, 'Nigerian' and 'Feminist' existed as cows from a herd and herd of over a hundred years. The names used are infinite and there is no conspiracy around them. He puts on them with all the affection. They carry some history within livestock, it is usually something sentimental, which passes from the mother to the children. It has nothing to do with what the mayor says.Feminist? I have been doing feminism at one time in my life. Now, feminism is political, one does not feel identified with what there is. And I say it, I have opened many doors in a world of men of which I am very proud, and in which I have lived all my life. And they respect me. None of them can tell me how feminism develops. As a woman, what do you think of the position of some feminists on this issue? I can only say that in my time feminist groups made me the flag and now it seems that I am a sucker. The ideology has changed their sense of what feminism means so much that they are full of prejudices. I have no appreciation for those who do not know what it is to dig from below and open doors in a world of men with your ability, your responsibility, your seriousness ... And, above all,achieving the goals that a man goes through in the same profession. That is the only feminism. Not only being a woman is worth to achieve your goals

Decisions like this, do they harm women then? I do not understand this decision as masculine or feminine, I do not see it from that point of view. This is an absurd decision of a person who does not like bulls. Are they decisions that favor interests other than those that are argued? Yes. They respond to political interests. Here a sectarianism is being implanted that is not normal. A red line has passed. Questioning and restricting the freedom to work in a profession is very serious. And it will have to be fixed where it has to be fixed. Today it is very easy to talk; And, furthermore, saying atrocities publicly, has very few consequences. Are bulls macho? It is a very complicated profession, very difficult, in which you have to leave part of your life to dedicate yourself to it, and in which you play the life. And whether you are a woman or a man,what counts is if you have the capacity. I got where I got and I achieved many goals, to be the first in many things, but I did not do it because I was the first, I did it because it was my way of being, thinking and feeling. And I did it with work and effort. The bull and opportunities are for everyone. Whether you are capable or not is up to you. In front of the bull, the human is not manipulated: it gives you or takes away your reason, it does not understand ideologies, or feminism or machismo. It puts you in your place, it does not matter if you are a man or a woman. And if not, like many men, you will stay in the gutter. It is true that there are far fewer women than men in this world, so it is more difficult for one to arrive, simply by a matter of percentage. But, like everything else, in the professions in which men have predominated, little by little women are getting involved. It has to be in a natural way.Is this type of controversy the last straw for a sector that is having a bad time? It is having a bad time like all sectors. Since politics entered the institutions in 2015, serious problems began to come. I imagine that by law, and for a matter of time, everything will be put in place. They have been trying to give the finishing touch to this profession for centuries and they have not succeeded. Obviously, with the pandemic and these types of politicians in the institutions, everything is complicated and we have to fight it more. But the bull festival is very powerful. Bullfighting belongs to the people, it is born from our roots, from our traditions, and has such economic and business significance around fairs and cities, that everyone who lives directly or indirectly from it deserves respect.It will only end when people do not go to the shows. With decisions like this, the end of bullfighting appears on the horizon, as some say on social networks? Talking is very easy, and I won't even tell you. The law firm of the Toro de Lidia Foundation has already won several resources on this issue from municipalities that, by ideology, have wanted to eliminate bulls from their fairs and festivals. All the resources have been earned and this will be one more that will have to be won. These people do not speak of the failures they have had when they have tried to remove the bullfighting festival from some towns, but that is there. On the foundation page you can see. By law, these decisions have to lose. As I say, they step on the red line whenever they feel like it.I understand then that not everything has been said and that the mayor does not have the last word on this issue ... No. In other places, these resources have been tried, resorted to and earned. Obviously this will be one more. They can say what they want, but if the people, the fans and the people are in favor ... And if, in addition, by law, a crime is being committed, this lady will have to retract. Obviously, all is not said.

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