The mother of Fuyuo Kurakake (5), who died of heat stroke after being left behind in a shuttle bus at "Futaba Nursery School" in Nakama City, Fukuoka Prefecture on the 29th of last month, announced a comment on the 17th.

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I am the mother of Fuyu Kurakake, who died suddenly on July 29, 3rd year of Reiwa.

It's been almost three weeks since then, and while the sadness of losing my beloved son, Fuyu, grows day by day, I still can't accept the reality of Fuyu's disappearance.

Every morning, I wonder if Fuyu will get up with "Good morning".

Even now, I haven't been able to organize my mind at all, but since I have received many requests for coverage from the media after the incident, I would like to answer in the form of a comment through a lawyer this time. ..

That morning, I went to see him off with his brother.

The principal got off the driver's seat of the pick-up bus and came around to the sliding door, disinfecting Fuyusei's hands and guiding him into the bus. Fuyu greeted the principal with a cheerful greeting, "Good morning," and waved with a smile to us, "I'm going," and boarded the pick-up bus.

I never thought that this would be the last time I saw Fuyu's energetic appearance.

It was time to return, and I was waiting for Fuyu to get off the bus as usual, but Fuyu didn't.

Then, my homeroom teacher said, "Fuyu-kun, I haven't come today," so I said, "No, I went." The teacher in charge seemed to contact the garden by mobile phone, but since there were other children, the bus went as it was.

I think it was less than 10 minutes, but the police called me and said, "Please wait at home."

I couldn't stand even if I had a bad feeling, so I ran to Futaba Nursery School.

When I arrived at the nursery school, the police were coming and Fuyu was already being carried by ambulance. Then, the director came out and said, "I'm sorry. I noticed that I was sleeping in the bus."

It seemed to me that the director was not particularly upset and was saying calmly.

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor was doing a winter CPR. I panicked and cried to the doctor, "Please help Fuyu," but Fuyu never came back to life.

Fuyu had a very painful and painful face, far from the usual bright expression.

I can't quite understand why this happened.

I think that I couldn't do it because I left it at Futaba Nursery School.

When I think about how painful it was, how hot it was, how lonely it was, and how scary it was in the bus where Fuyu was trapped alone, I was almost overwhelmed.

I can't express it in words.

I can't apologize to Fuyu, I'm sorry my mom couldn't help me, I'm sorry my mom got on the bus at Futaba Nursery, and I'm sorry I couldn't live a happy life.

At Futaba Nursery, Fuyu was standing in the corridor when he forgot his hat only once for the first time. In addition, Fuyuo told me several times, "I have to make sure that the director likes it."

A young child was so concerned and felt strange. However, I couldn't transfer Fuyusei. I regret it very much now.

Fuyu was really kind and loved flowers. I often picked flowers blooming on the side of the road and said "I love moms" and gave me flowers. Sometimes he said, "I'll protect my mom."

Why does Fuyu have such a painful feeling that he must die in just five years?

Although it doesn't come true, I just want to come back to Fuyu and see Fuyu again.

R3.8.16 Fuyu Kurakake Mother