When Benjamin Ingrosso hosted the hour-long concert after Tuesday's Allsång at Skansen, his sister - the influencer Bianca Ingrosso appeared.

At the beginning of the summer, Bianca released a new collection of her make-up brand.

In the commercial for the campaign, she sings The flowering time is coming.

An event that was then released as a single on Spotify.

That was the song the siblings Ingrosso performed at Skansen.

The question is where the artist Bianca Ingrosso begins and the influence ends.

And if anyone cares anymore.

- They flow together.

It is a wrong starting point to think that you should be able to see the difference between person and brand, says Yasmine Winberg, editor-in-chief of Resumé and one of the authors of the book Badfluence.

Per Rådelius, who is project manager at SVT nöje, sees no problem with Bianca Ingrosso's participation in Allsång at Skansen:

“Sometimes the participants, in addition to their artistry, also have other professional careers.

Those professional careers must be able to continue at the same time as you can be seen on SVT.

Allsång på Skansen is a music program and a possible benefit of new songs is motivated by an interest in entertainment.

On the other hand, those who participate may not use SVT to launch other types of new products or services.

We do not believe that Bianca has used its participation in an improper manner. ”, He writes in an email to Kulturnyheterna.

Concerns over advertising consumption

Victor Malm is a writer on Expressen's culture.

In a text entitled "The influencer should be the great cultural issue of our time", he writes about the concern about what our advertising consumption - by taking part in influencers as pure entertainment -, does with us in the long run. 

- We talk about it a lot, we examine influencers and criticize them, but have not really asked the question what this has for existential, political and social consequences.

How it affects how we look at fiction, he says. 

- It is a matter that is under-discussed and under-analyzed.

During the summer, criticism of shameless marketing in the contemporary media climate was also formulated by Expressen writer Essy Klingberg and Saga Cavallin at Dagens Nyheter. 

Victor Malm hopes that a younger, less cynical generation of media consumers and opinion leaders will want to lead the discussion. 

- I do not think we are happy that everything is advertising. I think it disappoints us in a way we have not really managed to formulate yet, he says.