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The strong boss is the one who hires the strong.

Sami Al Riyami


August 15, 2021

A beautiful and expressive tweet, written by the famous Emirati businessman Khalaf Al Habtoor, in which he said, “I learned not to hire weaker associates than me, and to always work with those who are more knowledgeable and experienced than me in their specialties, and benefit from their knowledge to achieve success, and reach the goals we seek.” And he concluded the tweet, saying, “If you are in a battle, let your associates be stronger than you, to achieve victory.”

Such a thought should prevail in the minds of all executives in various places. A good, intelligent, capable employee is an aid to his boss and his officials, and not a danger to them, as many believe. Being a leader of the “Blacks” group is certainly hundreds of times better and stronger than To be a lion, and to lead a group of weak, limited intellect!

Some believe that Khalaf Al Habtoor believes that he is a businessman and the owner of a group of different companies. Therefore, the success of his employees necessarily means an increase in income and profits, which will benefit him personally, considering that such conviction may be valid in the private sector, but it is definitely not valid in government thinking. Where competition is at the top, and everyone seeks to rise by force, even at the expense of competent and distinguished employees!

Such a belief, although it is apparently correct, is a big mistake in practice. Rather, its existence means the existence of a great intellectual and administrative scourge, and whoever believes in it from among the officials, this means, in short, that he does not deserve to be in a position of responsibility at all!

The strong official is the one who surrounds himself with the strong, and the distinguished official is the one who searches for competencies, and does not look for loyalties, who searches for personal loyalty to him, he searches for his personal interests, so he looks for someone who helps him achieve his goals secretly and discreetly. As for the official who knows Responsibility is to provide a distinguished service to the country, the citizen and the community. He is always looking for the smart and distinguished employees who help him to reach the distinguished goals, and he does not occupy himself with internal wars to exclude the distinguished, in order to remain sitting on the chair of responsibility, and beneath him are the ruins of the frustrated employees who destroyed and frustrated them, There is no reason other than his fear of them in his chair, as he internally knows perfectly well that they are better and more efficient than him!

In a nutshell, the most important things that the distinguished manager fears are: not continuing to achieve the organization's strategic vision, mission and goals, and therefore he fears losing the expertise and distinguished competencies of employees on an ongoing basis, because losing them means a decrease in the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization's performance.

And also, in a nutshell, the most important thing that the incompetent manager fears is losing his position in the organization, with the various powers and privileges he brings to him. Therefore, the matter is clear and clear between competent and incompetent officials in the way they appoint their assistants and employees!



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