• Buttocks, abs and legs;

    the one known as GAP is the star routine to get in shape

Our daily rhythm of life does not make it easy to stay in shape.

Stress, unbalanced diets and sedentary jobs that force us to spend long hours sitting in front of a screen often become powerful enemies of our health.

And if there is a part of our body that especially suffers from this sedentary life, it is the buttocks and, with them, the lower back.

In this video, Val, a trainer at B3B Home Studio, a center specialized in women's fitness, teaches us how to perform the

best glute exercises

with a warm-up and a simple and quick routine to work the area wherever you are and without leaving home.

And then he explains how to do each exercise well.

You just need a mat, some weights, an elastic band and the desire to have fun.


30 seconds for each exercise, a single round.

  • Monster Walk.

    With the sole help of an elastic band, this exercise is used to tone and strengthen the buttocks and legs.

    In the first exercise, we put the band on the knees;

    in the second, on the ankles.

    Once adjusted, we open our legs to the width of the hips, generating tension in the garter, and we semi-flex the knees.

    The next thing is to take small lateral steps, always maintaining the tension, because in this way the muscles are stimulated, specifically, the internal fibers of different parts of the leg.

    "It's perfect to do at home," says the coach.

  • Squats or squats.

    We place the mini band above the knees;

    With our legs shoulder-width apart, we squat, bringing our glutes back, as if we were going to sit in an imaginary chair.

    Keep your "back straight, your abdomen active, and be careful not to let your knees go over the balls of your feet," Val advises.


Photo: Manuela Puga (Influentsia)

45 seconds for each exercise, two rounds.

  • Squats or squats with weights of 2 kilos.

    We repeat the squats, but using 2 kg weights that we keep on our shoulders to offer resistance when climbing ("If you do not have 2 kg weights, nothing happens, with the ones you have," explains the trainer). With this exercise we burn calories quickly by stimulating the cardiovascular system. In addition, given the intensity, we continue to burn fat for 24 hours after its practice.

  • Single Leg Deadlift with 2 kg weights

    With one leg in front of the other, knees bent and 2 kg weights in each hand, we bring the torso forward, placing the weights next to the most advanced foot.

    Important: the hips must be moved slightly back, while the back is kept straight.

    With this exercise, we work the hamstring, the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius, the ankles and the abdomen.

  • Lunge.

    From the width of the hips, we begin the exercise with a step forward.

    The displaced leg is flexed until the thigh is parallel to the ground and the knee is at a 90 degree angle.

    The leg that does not move is anchored with the foot as it descends towards the ground with the knee.

    The muscle most involved in the exercise is the gluteus maximus.

  • Lateral Lunge.

    We stand upright, with our feet parallel, our torso straight and our abs contracted. From this position, we move one leg laterally, resting the foot on the ground, while flexing the knee and lowering the body; a slight tilt of the torso may be necessary. The thigh of the displaced leg should be parallel to the ground and the foot and knee pointing in the same direction; This prevents the joint from rotating and causing damage. The feet should never come off the ground or the spine bend. "The lateral stride exercise strengthens the thighs and glutes comprehensively. It is ideal to complete with squats or traditional lunges. The combination contributes to the development of the lower body. The main muscles that are used work are the quadriceps, the gluteus maximus,the gluteus medius and adductors ", says the expert.

  • Jumping Jacks.

    We stand with our legs together and our arms on both sides, slightly bend our knees and jump.

    When jumping, we spread legs and spread arms, opening these above the head.

    We return to the starting position, controlling the lowering of the arms.

    "This exercise is the cardio push of the training. With it we work the whole body; especially, calves, glutes and adductors," he concludes.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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