Wang Changhai

  Recently, at a press conference held by the Information Office of the State Council, relevant departments stated that “the number of giant pandas in the wild has reached more than 1,800, and the threat level has been reduced from endangered to vulnerable”.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion about "National Treasure Downgraded".

If there are more giant pandas, will they be "worthless"?

actually not.

The "downgrading" of the threat level of giant pandas means that the endangered situation of giant pandas in the wild is further alleviated, rather than the level of protection reduced.

  According to relevant records, the giant panda has been living on the earth for at least 8 million years. It is not only a rare species, but also a symbol of cultural exchanges and friendships between China and other countries. It is in promoting the transmission of China’s biodiversity conservation philosophy. , Play a major role in promoting.

  As of the end of 2016, my country has established 67 panda nature reserves of different levels in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, with a total area of ​​3.36 million hectares, covering 53.8% of the giant panda habitat and protecting 66.8% of the wild Giant panda population.

my country has also adopted measures such as in-situ conservation, ex-situ conservation, and return to nature, and continued to carry out the protection of rare and endangered wild animals and plants.

By the end of 2020, the total number of giant pandas in captivity has reached 633.

The Giant Panda Nature Reserve not only effectively protects the giant panda, but also promotes the recovery and reproduction of other rare species in the habitat.

For example, the takins and golden monkeys in the Qinling Mountains have been effectively protected in the Giant Panda Nature Reserve.

  Nowadays, the "downgrading" of giant pandas reflects the continuous improvement of the natural and social environment in their habitats, as well as the progress in the construction and management of my country's nature reserves.

However, the downgrading of giant pandas from "endangered" to "vulnerable" does not mean that conservation work has ceased. There is still a long way to go to protect them.

  The so-called "heavy responsibilities" refers to the fact that although my country has achieved remarkable results in the protection of giant pandas, there are still some challenges in the protection work. For example, natural disasters, climate change and other factors have caused the giant panda habitat to be clearly fragmented; many human activities have destroyed it. In the natural environment of the giant panda's habitat, isolated islands have been formed between populations, leading to population segmentation and inbreeding, and the risk of species degradation still exists.

  The so-called "road is far away" means that the protection of giant pandas goes from "endangered" to "vulnerable" and finally to "non-endangered". This is a long process. We need to be down-to-earth, sum up experience, and continue the cause of giant panda protection from generation to generation. Go ahead and provide the international community with Chinese experience in biodiversity conservation.

  The author believes that the current giant panda protection needs to focus on the following aspects.

  First, deepen the pilot work of the giant panda national park system.

On the one hand, it is necessary to introduce national-level laws and regulations on nature reserves for content such as functional positioning, assignment of powers and responsibilities, and protection objectives.

On the other hand, in areas with high population density, aerial corridors and underground tunnels are the main methods to connect fragmented habitats in series to optimize the giant panda's living environment, reduce human interference, and realize convenient "walking marriages" for different populations.

In addition, the ecological migration work in the core area should be promoted, and the original residents in the core protection area should be transferred out of the Giant Panda National Park as a priority.

  Second, expand the reintroduction base of captive giant pandas.

According to the actual situation, establish and improve the virtuous circle mechanism of giant panda captivity-release work, put the mature captive giant pandas of training bases into the endangered areas of small populations, and expand the establishment of giant panda reintroduction bases.

  Third, establish an integrated development mechanism for giant panda protection and rural revitalization.

Relying on the popularity of giant pandas, corresponding tourism activities are carried out in the general control areas of national parks.

At the same time, explore to hire villagers with certain ability to participate in service work and business activities.

The village committee in the park can explore to hire a national park manager to participate in the management of community-related affairs as an honorary villager.

  Fourth, establish an effectiveness evaluation mechanism for the Giant Panda National Park.

Explore the purchase of services through government departments or competent units, introduce third parties to establish more scientific, reasonable and targeted assessment methods, and promote the smooth implementation of the pilot work of the giant panda national park system.

  Fifth, the protection of giant pandas is integrated into global cooperation.

Accelerate the establishment of a global giant panda protection cooperation platform system, and realize the sharing of results of global scientific research institutions on giant panda ecology and behavior.

Increase panda exchange activities in foreign zoos to promote visits and learning by scientific researchers.

  (Author's unit: Institute of Rural Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)