The impact of bottled water on the environment is problematic.

And a new study by Spanish scientists, unveiled by

The Guardian

and spotted by


, proves it once again.

In particular, the work carried out by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health revealed that if all the inhabitants of the Catalan city drank bottled water, the cost of extracting resources would be 3,500 times higher than in the case of consumption of tap water.

In addition, this bottled water would have an impact 1,400 times greater than tap water on ecosystems.

Health arguments do not justify the use of the bottle

Some would leave tap water aside for the low risk of cancer.

Indeed, the treatment of this water generates low levels of trihalomethanes (THMs) which would cause a higher risk of bladder cancer.

But the rate of this substance is regulated and monitored within the European Union.

“Health-related arguments do not justify the widespread use of bottled water.

Strictly speaking, drinking tap water is less good for your health.

But, when you compare the two alternatives, what you gain by drinking bottled water is minimal, ”explains researcher Cristina Villanueva, lead author of the study.

The latter adds that the environmental impact of water bottles is much higher.

In the United States, for example, 17 million barrels of oil are needed to produce plastic to meet the annual demand for bottled water.

It is also 500 times more expensive than tap water in the UK.


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  • Environment

  • Plastic

  • Planet

  • Water