Benin: Baba Yabo, the monument of laughter

Audio 02:15

Statue of comedian Baba Yabo erected in his memory in the Agbokomey district in Porto-Novo in Benin.

© Wikipedia

By: Delphine Bousquet

3 min

We continue our discovery of the statues of the continent, today in Benin, in Porto-Novo, the capital, with the statue of Baba Yabo. Dehoumon Adjagnon, whose real name is, is an actor and comedian who made one twist with laughter the Beninese.

With his faithful friend Mister Okéké and the Towakonou troupe, he made the heyday of popular theater in the 1980s. When he died in 1985, his partners decided to pay homage to him with a monument in the center of a city where his personality and his humor made a lasting impression.

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