As the number of people infected with the new coronavirus and receiving medical treatment at home is increasing, the number of local governments that secure "oxygen concentrators" that inhale oxygen at home is increasing, and the equipment manufacturers are responding by increasing production.

An "oxygen concentrator" is a device that takes in the surrounding air, concentrates oxygen, and the patient inhales it through the nose or mouth with a tube, and is used at home under the prescription of a doctor.

According to the medical device manufacturer that manufactures this device, as the number of people undergoing medical treatment at home increases due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the device is secured in case the symptoms suddenly worsen and oxygen inhalation at home is required. It means that the number of local governments that do this is increasing.

The factories of the group companies of this manufacturer are responding by increasing the daily production volume by about 40% from this spring.

So far, we have provided about 500 units to local governments by leasing, so we were preparing to deliver about 30 units to Tokyo on this day.

Yasushi Kobayashi, general manager of the medical business division of a medical device manufacturer, said, "Inquiries are increasing as the infection spreads, and production continues to increase. We would like to support the response to patients undergoing home medical treatment." rice field.

Increasing number of home recuperators "necessary to prepare for worsening symptoms"

As the infection of the new coronavirus spreads rapidly and the number of people receiving medical treatment at home increases, 30 oxygen concentrators are lent from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to the company that visits doctors in case the symptoms of the medical treatment at home worsen. it was done.

At a company that visits doctors at night and on holidays in collaboration with multiple medical institutions, mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area, the registered doctors are commissioned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to provide home recuperators infected with the new corona. We also visit and provide medical care.

As the number of home caregivers increased due to the rapid spread of the infection, the company decided to rent an oxygen concentrator from the capital, and 30 units were brought to the office in Shinjuku Ward.

This device is a medical device that can be used at home under the direction of a doctor when symptoms such as pneumonia worsen. When the device is activated, oxygen can be concentrated from the surrounding air and administered in a tube. increase.

At the time of the 4th wave, in Osaka, there were a number of cases where this device was needed, mainly for elderly patients who had to undergo home medical treatment due to difficulty in hospitalization adjustment.

Dr. Ryo Kikuchi, a fast doctor, said, "In the fourth wave of Osaka, quite a lot of patients could not be hospitalized and were left at home, so I used a lot of oxygen concentrators at that time. This is something that has never happened before, and I'm very worried that something similar will happen in Tokyo in the future. "

On top of that, "It's really safe to be hospitalized, but I think it's necessary to make such preparations in case of the worst. The risk is lower for those who have been vaccinated, but younger people. However, there is no such thing as a serious illness, so I think it is important to renew our awareness of this and act with a sense of crisis once again. "