On July 30, the Potala Palace Administration Office of the Tibet Autonomous Region issued a notice on the official platform to further strengthen the epidemic prevention and control work in the area under the jurisdiction of the Potala Palace Administration Office.

According to the notice, tourists from high-risk areas in China and other tourists from outside the Tibet Autonomous Region, when visiting the Potala Palace, voluntarily presented a negative nucleic acid test certificate, the "Tibet Yitong Health Travel Code" and the "Communication Big Data Itinerary Card". take inspection.

It is found that the tourist’s health code and itinerary card have been changed to "red code" or "yellow code" and will not be allowed to visit the palace, and corresponding control measures such as temporary isolation will be taken.

  In addition, the notice requires tourists to take personal protection, wear masks throughout the visit to the Potala Palace, keep a distance of more than 1 meter, and pay attention to cover when coughing or sneezing.

At the same time, tourists are also reminded to report and seek medical attention in time if they have any symptoms.

(Reporter Gongsanlam)

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]