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Organ donation.. the pinnacle of giving and humanity

Sami Al Riyami


01 August 2021

The pinnacle of giving is to give life to a person, and the pinnacle of humanity is to stop the pain and torment of a person, and the paradox is that this will not happen with money. What matters is that he is a human being, and he needs from you what factories cannot manufacture, and people produce, he needs to live, and you are the one who will be the reason for his life, without feeling and without losing anything.. Simply it is not a puzzle, but this is what human organ donation does, Who writes life, survival and healing for those who need it, from people whose lives have ended, they need nothing after that!

Death means the end of a person’s life, but today it literally means the end of a person’s life and giving hope to one or more people to survive, and this is how life is, and with such giving it continues, where the body of a dead person can be saved due to brain death and his heart is still beating;

The life of nine people, where you can give the cornea to two people, the lung to two people, the kidney to two people, the heart to one person, the pancreas to one person, and the liver to one person!

A single donor can, upon his death, save the lives of nine people. What a gift unlike any other, and a permanent good that does not stop. Therefore, organ donation is very important to improve the quality of life of the recipient of organs such as (corneas, heart valves and bones), as people were able to restore vision. Others were healed of tough burns, and others had their bones restored to function properly in everyday life!

Doctors here in the UAE stress the importance of shedding light on the culture of organ donation in the community, pointing out that there is an actual shortage in this aspect, especially that the country is a pioneer in organ transplantation in the Gulf and Middle East region, and has achieved impressive medical successes in the field of donation and multi-organ transplantation, which includes the heart Liver, lungs and expansion in kidney transplantation.

In fact, the UAE has exceeded the global rate of donated organs for each person who donates after death, and the “Hayat” smart application has contributed to providing a sustainable solution for a large number of patients and restoring hope in life, as it is linked to the National Organ Donation Program, which was launched in early 2019, and allows Every person who has the full capacity to express his desire to donate one of his organs or parts of it or his tissues after his death, and he has the right to withdraw his desire at any time without restriction or condition!

We need to implant this culture in the minds, and we need to intensify specialized campaigns on this important matter, especially that the culture of giving and love of good is rooted in the hearts of the people of the Emirates, and this was proven by a survey conducted by "Emirates Today", nearly two years ago, where it was proven that 41% of the Participants in it wish to donate their organs after death, but they are unaware of the donation mechanism, while participants suggested organizing awareness campaigns to spread the culture of donation, and adding an item for donating human organs after death, within identity cards, driver’s licenses and health insurance cards.

One of the useful suggestions for spreading the culture of organ donation after death is a proposal to register approval for organ donation on a driver’s license or identity card, to facilitate benefit in the event of an accident that results in a person’s death, and to take the necessary without referring to the heirs, and another proposal to add an organ donation option To the procedures for extracting and renewing health insurance, which expands the base of donors and allows the establishment of a unified database through which hospitals can be informed in the event of the death of a patient, and to create cards of distinction for individuals participating in the application of organ donation, in appreciation of their noble position.



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