• As part of an end-of-studies project, four biology students from the University of Cergy created an impermeable blanket with heating and insulating properties.

  • Winner of the wweeddoo Green competition, this blanket should undergo a final test phase at the end of August before its distribution.

  • Among the materials used to design it, we find in particular beeswax packaging and packets of recycled chips, or fish glue intended for assembly.

"We first thought about the bad weather to which the homeless are subjected," recalls Emilie, a biology license student at the University of Cergy (Val-d'Oise). As part of a graduation project, the young woman and her three comrades Anushia, Youssra and Dilan wished to act on their own scale. Their initiative takes the form of a “heated, waterproof and insulating” blanket, called “Move on EcoBlanket”, intended for homeless people.

“The problem with survival blankets is that they may be waterproof, but they are not heated.

We wanted to find materials that had this property in relation to the organic sector, while keeping an impermeable effect.

"And the list of eco-responsible materials is surprising: food packaging" based on beeswax "," packets of crisps "recycled as an underlay," fish glue "for assembly," cotton wool. cellulose ”for its insulating properties.

Last phase of testing scheduled for late August

And to design the cover, this group of friends did not hesitate to put their own money. With the help of an online jackpot, they were able to design a “miniaturized version”. Before the final prototype that they will submit at the end of August to a final test phase. “We have already met a homeless person who should be seen again to improve coverage. We will listen to his advice in order to be able to help him as best as possible. " Objective ? Perfect innovation as early as possible to donate it to as many people as possible. "We would like to extend to the homeless in the Paris region, then to the whole of France, and why not internationally", projects the student.

The concept is also the winner of the wweeddoo Green competition, a call for projects in favor of the climate for young people aged 13 to 30, hosted by a collaborative platform.

In addition to the boost of the 500 euros reward, the distribution of the cover will still have to go through other phases of financing, before a distribution "in connection with the associations.


In Paris, 2,785 homeless people were identified last March, on the occasion of the “Night of solidarity”.


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  • University

  • ecology

  • Society

  • Homeless

  • Paris