In Catalonia the traditional saying that

the police are not stupid

is understood just as well as in the rest of Spain


But the independentistas at the head of the Generalitat believe that they can underestimate the intelligence of the whole world indefinitely.

Fortunately, they have run into the institutions of the rule of law.


the Court of Auditors put things in their place yesterday

, as was foreseeable,

by warning that there are serious indications of illegality in the guarantee presented by some thirty ex-a

lt charges indicted for embezzlement

facilitated by the current Generalitat through the Institut Català de Finances, a body controlled by secessionism.

In some head it could fit that the same administration harmed by the diversion of public funds could now guarantee those who perpetrated the abduction so that they do not have to face the consequences derived from such serious events with their personal assets.

And it is that we are before

a double bankruptcy of the public coffers


a double exercise of pure corruption

: the Government, established as a lawyer and lender of criminals, to exonerate them from their fines, wants to use the money of the taxpayers who previously paid out of pocket for the irregularities in the management of the foreign action of the independence movement.

This new Generalitat, which supposedly was not going to commit illegalities as in the past -that is how sanchismo filled its mouth-, at the first exchange has made a tailored suit so that the fugitive




and the rest of the accused of embezzlement with the foreign network of the Generalitat escaped from posting the 5.4 million bail that the Court of Auditors demands.

The supervisory body puts in place the Government that leads

Pere Aragonès

, who was already warned that he would commit law fraud if he endorsed the embargoes of the

you process

covering them with public money.

But it also leaves the government of


, for which the files opened by the Court of Auditors are nothing more than "stones in the road", as the minister verbalized

Open them up

shortly before being defenestrated.

The president is dragging his feet in this matter without any intention of resorting to it, putting his partisan interests before the general interest.

Not to mention the role of a


that he hastened to declare "legal" the new mockery of an independence movement to which he pays homage instead of fighting it as corresponds to who was the most voted in the last elections.

Everything is for the glory of sanchismo.

The ball

, in fact,

now go to the roof of the government

, which will have to be photographed, since the Court of Auditors has requested

a report on the endorsement to the State Bar

, although this is not binding and you can decide to reject the bond regardless of what this body of the Administration concludes.

There is no doubt that secessionism, today as yesterday, will resort to all legal or illegal weapons at its disposal to try to achieve its objectives.

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