• Would the Swiss authorities be more transparent about the potential side effects or dangers of Covid-19 vaccines?

  • This is what many Internet users have been claiming on social networks for several days, relaying an alleged consent form alerting to the risks of this procedure.

  • The document is not official: it emanates from a Swiss collective opposed to vaccination and health measures.

“At least in Switzerland they have the honesty to inform the population before vaccination!

“For this Internet user, our Swiss neighbors would have the merit of being alerted to the risks of anti-Covid-19 vaccination before taking the plunge.

The proof, to believe it?

The so-called “informed consent” document that would be given on this occasion, and that many Internet users also relay, by way of comparison with the lack of transparency of the French health system.

“Please take note of the following points: today, by injecting one of the anti-Covid-19 vaccines […] you agree to enter into a medical experiment.

Indeed, [these vaccines] are still currently in phase III of development, even if phase IV has already started.

This means that they are being evaluated ”, can we read in particular on this“ form ”of the most worrying, which also lists the“ serious side effects, including in young and healthy subjects, [already ] identified ”.

Except that it is actually a document produced by “Réinfo Santé”, the Swiss counterpart of the Réinfo Covid collective, which campaigns against vaccination and anti-Covid health measures.


The mention “Réinfo Santé” is clearly visible in the header of this document dated May 2021, which is available for download on the collective's website.

It is therefore in no way distributed to Swiss citizens before their vaccination against Covid-19, the latter may however be given an "information sheet for consent for patients", containing "all the important information on the vaccination against Covid-19 "and aimed at" completing the interview with a professional before vaccination ", as the Federal Office of Public Health explains on its website.

And while the Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines are still in phase 3 trials, that does not mean that the people who received the vaccine are acting as guinea pigs.

This step consisting in measuring the efficacy and safety of the vaccine is currently continuing to measure in particular, over the long term, the appearance of possible new adverse effects among the tens of thousands of volunteers who began these clinical trials in July 2020. "The study will allow us to continue collecting efficacy and safety data from participants for two additional years," Pfizer said last fall, as

Le Monde

reminds us


Finally, if anaphylactic shocks (a severe allergic reaction) are indeed possible after vaccination, they remain very rare, with an estimated frequency of “less than 1 case / 100,000 doses”, which may also concern “all patients and all patients. vaccines, ”recalled a recent message from the Ministry of Health.


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Coronavirus: 96% of the 18,000 patients registered on Tuesday were not vaccinated?

Jean Castex's shortcut

  • Anti-covid vaccine

  • Coronavirus

  • Fake off

  • Fact checking

  • Swiss