Pocket Monsters are set to hit Netflix again in series form.

The streaming giant is preparing a series in live - live-action - Pokémon, the famous colorful bugs imagined by the Japanese Satoshi Tajiri in 1996, reveals this Monday



The project is only at the beginnings, the main lines of the story have not been revealed for the moment.

Sources say Joe Henderson is writing and producing.

The latter is currently showrunner of the Netflix series


, whose sixth and final season is about to be released.

This new series would be close to the film

Pokémon Detective Pikachu,

with Ryan Reynolds released in 2019.

Netflix has already adapted the Japanese manga

Death Note

into a live-action feature film.

The platform also announced similar adaptations of

One Piece


Cowboy Bebop


Movie theater

"Pokémon: Detective Pikachu": Why Live-Action Shoots Succeed In Pokémon


Pokémon: How "pocket monsters" became social bonders

  • Pokemon

  • Netflix

  • Series

  • Culture