On July 24, a new episode of Disney's "Owl House" featured "the first non-binary character" in the studio's history.

Raine Wispers is a minor character in the seventh episode of the second season, called Eda's Requiem.

In the story, the character leads a bard coven (an analogue of a faculty in a school of witchcraft) and uses musical magic. 

In the episode, it is shown that Rain does not support the idea that witches are required to use only certain types of magic.

The character saves the central character Ida from pursuit.

It is also revealed that Rain is the head of an underground rebel organization.

It is believed that the hero was mentioned in the series earlier, since the character was depicted in the photograph, and also once appeared among other episodic characters without replies.

The voice actor Avi Rocky, who worked on the image, characterizes the hero as intelligent and hardworking.

Rocky himself is a transgender who identifies himself as non-binary.

Previously, the actor starred mainly in short films, and also played a cameo role in the series "Doctors of Chicago".

The artist called the work on the new image a dream come true.

“In the new series, Owl Homes, I play Raine Wispers (pronouns: they), a quick-witted and hardworking witch at the helm of the Bard Coven,” Rocky wrote on Twitter.

The English-speaking audience greeted the new hero with enthusiasm even before the episode premiered.

“I already really like this character, thank you very much, it made me very happy,” one of the platform users wrote.

In another, even the name of the character evoked vivid emotions: “I think I was so impressed with their name and everyone else that I forgot to be impressed that they were leading the coven.

I got this guess right after the trailer, ”she admitted.

  • Shot from the animated series "House of the Owl"

  • © imdb.com

“Attention: new favorite character.

I love Rain, they are so gender, ”wrote another user of the platform.

In some cases, the reason for the joy of bloggers was the opportunity to identify with the hero.

“Seeing characters on TV that use the same pronouns as me means so much to me.

And on Disney Channel too?

Completely unexpected, ”reads the tweet.

Another user was pleased with the fact that the character belongs to different social groups (mainly those that are considered to be "underrepresented" in the American film industry) - and once again reminded that the hero is voiced by a non-binary actor: “The fact that Rain is non-binary , an older, non-white character speaking in the voice of a non-binary voice actor means a lot. "

Viewers also drew attention to the color scheme that the animators chose for the character's image.

For example, a Twitter user believes that the creators of the series used a "non-binary identity flag palette."

"Raine has non-binary colors!"

She said.

Non-binary colors picked from Raine! # Theowlhouse # raine # nonbinarypic.twitter.com / JzDhUCNoA4

- COMMISSIONS OPEN 2/5 (@_cosmicbrownee_) July 23, 2021

The premiere of the series "Owl House" took place in January 2020 on Disney TV.

The main character of the tape is a teenage girl Luz.

In the story, she accidentally ends up in a magical world, where she befriends the rebellious witch Ida.

Although Luz does not have magical abilities, she begins to learn witchcraft from Ida and dreams of one day becoming a sorceress.

The show's executive producer, Dana Terrace, previously noted that she wanted to tell the stories of LGBT characters from the beginning.

She clarified that during the work on the project, she was faced with a different attitude of the management to her idea.

“During the development phase, I very openly expressed my intention to add queer guys to the main roster.

When we were given the go-ahead, some Disney executives told me that I couldn't represent any form of bi or homosexual relationship on this channel, ”Terrace complained on Twitter in August 2020.

“I am bisexual!

I want to write a bisexual character, damn it!

Fortunately, my perseverance has paid off, and now the current Disney leadership is very supportive of me, ”the producer clarified in another post.

In the US, the animated series is recommended for audiences over six years old. In Russia, "House of the Owls" is considered suitable for audiences over 12 years old.