Arctic-Antarctic: inventory of geopolitical dynamics

The Arctic, whose immense resources are increasingly accessible under the effect of climate change, has become an area of ​​growing geopolitical tensions, in particular between Moscow and Washington, allied with the Scandinavian countries.


By: Marie-France Chatin Follow

2 min

The polar regions are engaged in a process of major climate change which raises fears of a crystallization of rivalries for access to mineral and energy resources, as well as to new maritime routes opened up by the melting of the sea ice.

Are the disaster scenarios that point to a new cold war, or even an armed conflict, exaggerated?




Camille Escudé-Joffres,

geographer and doctor in Political Science.

Teacher at CERI, Sciences Po


Anne Choquet,

professor and researcher in Law at Brest Business School, associate researcher at UMR Amure and vice-president of the French National Committee for Arctic and Antarctic Research

- Camille Escudé-Joffres and Anne Choquet,

 co-authors with

Frédéric Lasserre

 of “

Géopolitique des Pôles.

Towards an appropriation of polar spaces

? ”, Éditions le Cavalier Bleu

Thierry Garcin,

associate researcher at the University of Paris.

Geopolitics of the Arctic

”, second edition by Economica.


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  • Climate change

  • Geopolitics

  • Poles

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