Health.. fish addicted to drugs.. a new phenomenon that frightens the world

The phenomenon of fish addiction to methamphetamine has spread.


The illegal use of drugs is one of the health issues that cause many different problems, social and economic, and cause losses amounting to billions of dollars, but it does not stop there, but may soon turn into a real environmental crisis, after the phenomenon of drug addiction spread Fish on methamphetamine.

ويأتي انتشار هذه الظاهرة لدى الأسماك بسبب ارتفاع معدلات المادة المخدرة في الممرات المائية للمياه العذبة، ما تسبب في معاناة الأسماك الإدمان بشكل كبير، وذلك بحسب الخبراء في جامعة التشيك للعلوم الحية.

ويقول البروفيسور المساعد في جامعة التشيك للعلوم الحية، الدكتور بافل هوركي: «حيث يوجد متعاطو ميثامفيتامين، هناك تلوث بيئي أيضاً بالمادة ذاتها».

غالباً ما تخرج فضلات هذه المادة المخدرة من متعاطيها وتنتهي في مياه الصرف الصحي، وهي المادة التي لا يمكن التعرف إليها أو معالجتها، الأمر الذي يجعل مياه الصرف الصحي الملوثة، التي تحتوي على الـ«ميث»، تتدفق إلى القنوات المائية، إلى جانب مواد مخدرة أخرى أيضاً. وتم قياس مستويات تركز الميثامفيتامين ببعض القنوات المائية في التشيك، ووصلت إلى مئات النانوغرامات في اللتر الواحد، بحسب الدكتور هوركي، إلا أن تأثير هذا التركيز من المواد لايزال غير واضح في الكائنات المائية بشكل دقيق.

In order to study the matter, researchers at the university conducted an experiment to detect the adverse and negative impact of this hidden environmental problem prevailing, and they divided 120 salmon fish into two parts, and placed them in two separate tanks, filled with 350 liters of water for each, where one of these tanks contained methamphetamine. , at a concentration similar to that measured in natural aqueducts, while the second reservoir remained unpolluted.

To complete the experiment and arrive at a clear answer, the researchers, after eight weeks of cleaning the tank of the anesthetic, and during a 10-day period, which is the period of “withdrawal” of the drug from the fish, Dr. Horki examined a number of randomly selected fish from both groups, to ensure that there were Any kind of signs of addiction, and Dr. Horki created a tank in which water flows as if it were water channels, and in one of these channels was the previous concentration of methamphetamine, and the result was that the fish, which were not exposed to the substance, did not respond to the water contaminated with the drug, while the exposed fish chose Previously anesthetized the contaminated channel each time.

In addition, the presence of the drug was also detected in the brain tissue of fish, and it was less active compared to natural ones not exposed to methamphetamine, which may affect their survival and reproduction, thus reducing their numbers to extinction, and Dr. Horki said that this environmental pollution "It can change the way an entire ecosystem works."

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