Quentin Tarantino has just bought the Vista Theater, a legendary Los Angeles cinema located on Sunset Boulevard.

For the director of

Pulp Fiction

, who had already bought the Landmark New Beverly in 2007, the Vista is quite simply one of the “jewels in the crown”.

But if the filmmaker has set his sights on this exceptional place, it is not (only) to organize high-class screenings with his friends.

It's also to deliver a demanding programming and cinematic experience unlike what commercial movie channels offer as he explained to Dax Shepard in his

Armchair Expert



“Some of these movie chains, where they show commercials all the time, never turn off the lights.

The seats are like stadium bleachers, all in plastic.

They've signed their own epitaph for a long time, but they think they're going to get you, ”he lamented.

Like the good old times

"It's been crazy to see throughout my career how the cinematographic experience has deteriorated for the spectator, like, every five years", added Quentin Tarantino who does not hide his conservatism in terms of cinematic experience.

“I'm not talking about big chairs and ordering nachos and margaritas.

In fact, I really like the Alamo Drafthouse (a luxury cinema).

I have a living room, but I want to go to the movies.


Quentin Tarantino hopes to open his new cinema for next Christmas and no doubt the public will be there to enjoy the programming of one of the greatest cinephiles in the world!


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  • Los Angeles

  • Quentin Tarantino

  • Movie theater